
wow what a troll post. Check your ego with your foam mouse head at the door please. If ever a gimmick existed, you'd get the award. The whole point has been missed with your inane rant, and I for one am not concerned with what annoys you. You no talent having hack.

They could also have espresso machines and fishing poles. And EMF sensors so you can talk to Siri in your head. Also, invisibility.

Yes. Slide rules. Come with us sir, we'd like to show you our abacus.

sorry, no... just being a sarcastic smart ass. Although you can enable "airplane mode" thru your settings. (That will prevent any texts or calls from coming in.)

I found a very interesting option on 5.1 that has a similar effect. I guess it's actually been built in since the original iPhone. They call it "power off."

I'm not going to spend money on an app I know doesn't have the features I want. I'd spend $20 on one that did.

As a practicing DJ and nerd, this story hurts my head. Why is it so hard to make an app work like a deck?

its easy if you sell a million of em.

nope, "bad to the bone."

NBC executives? I honestly don't know.. Huge props to his writers, must be really frustrating watching your performing bear screw up 80% of the material handed to him on gleaming platters. I end up feeling sorry for him, rarely make it thru the monologue.

You're right, he's much funnier now.

Also, he's not funny.

It used to have gears. Before they were cool.

Perhaps we need an iphone case that has a printer in it. Polaroid needs a replacement.

Love it. The most important satisfaction is internal. Bravo Koji, I'm tuned in.

we have a winner!!

Yeah!! You should try!! Me, I'm getting some tempra paint to slap together one of those moaning lisas. We all know its just about supply availability.

hot water works great. I just saved 19 bucks!! This should be in the deal of the day!!!

It might have. Who ever assembled that clip normalized the audio... A perfectly acceptable practice if you're producing audio, but video soundtracks really shouldn't be AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE.

Its a breakbeat format, usually around 135-140 bpm. Borrows many sounds from Drum and Bass.