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Damn, impressive!! (more so when jeep did it in 2007.)

and you thought replacement cartridges were expensive now...

I'm guessing much fun could be had with a Steve Jobs statue.

they look like spraypainted uggs to me. blegh.

"This might look sort of like the kindle tablet, but we won't know until it actually comes out" doesn't have the headline "shmoove" quality we've all come to know and love here at Gizmodo.

hey, really cool ghostbusters costume OOOHHHMMYYYGODIIIITTTBUUURRRNN...!!!

mount this to a hat and we've got a deal.

looks like a cardboard kite that someone's strapped a few cheap digital cameras to.

It's a variation on "The emperor's new clothes." (After reading it, I converted to vegan.)

Is this really a problem bike riders have frequently? I seem to remember only doing this type of fill up once a year, it doesn't strike me as being particularly useful. I'd be more interested in generating power to charge my phone while I ride.

how long have you been a communist?

maybe he really meant "we fully charge our phones, but don't swim in water for 30 minutes to an hour after eating."

disgusting!! I must eat some.

i just think it's funny that this post claims to be sponsored by blackberry.. take that, nexus!!

and if you act now, we'll double your order and include 8 of our new "travel size" model!! (just pay separate processing and handling.)

the only logical choice is to push the numbers with a stick.

pretty cool!! I've got a buddy who's converted his bike's seat post into a bong.. take that, macgyver!!

Apple. (For Gizmodo's court costs.)