
Imagine this on a much larger scale, with people inside the balls. But the larger versions would cast shadows on the ground ;)

I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.

agreed. I choose spoken word, but I'll be performing as a mime. Your play, Tom, your play ;)

agreed.. pretty hard to sneak up on anyone with a huge sword swinging lawnmower. BTW, I'll be naming my first acoustic album "massacre tractor," so thanks for that ;D

Waving a wiimote and an iphone around as a virtual instrument makes you as much of a musician as mastering guitar hero. Maybe less.

I, for one, feel safed.

sometimes, when I spill my coffee, it looks like Takashi Murakami. Not his art work, the guy.

rad. so how do I install my own software again?

extra credit bonus for Donnie Darko Reference.

Is anyone at gizmodo reading the reviews on the new site layout? Look guys, just cause you found it in a bar doesn't mean it's ready for public release.

@Nitesh!: pretty sure these guys are aware of the world out there.. they just saw a plane fly by.

@Luis Mazza: No, by your definition, we've yet to make contact. So you can say, absolutely, that no one waved at these people? No eye contact occured? They figured out how to smelt metal and form pots and blades without external assistance, got all bronze age on our ass without any help.. BS.

@Luis Mazza: I haven't seen you, yet we've just made contact.

@Nitesh!: Oh hey, we have those here in the US.. we call them Amish.

This was revealed to be a hoax several days ago, why are you still feeding the fire Gizmodo? [www.huffingtonpost.com]

@Clashwerk: I was gonna say "why no battery?" but you're right.. blue LED's are the obvious choice!

@tomsomething: Something about "tan cat" makes me nervous.. & you can only use this while working at your computer? Very odd indeed, I may need it to sport at the office. Once again, thank you Japan!! (and tomsomething!!)

why USB? he looks like he wants to fight, I suppose I would too if forced to wear that mask.