
Shut up Uncle Rico. Coach didn't put you in the big game because you suck.

I was at Mid Ohio for the parade lap of the Indy drivers in my S2000. I had Servia in my car for the parade lap. Here is a pic as I waited for driver intros. The sound in the videos is how it sounds in person!

Honey, you're boring. I want a divorce.

Dem Duke boys're at it again!

I may sound like an old fart here, but F1 used to be truly amazing and now with push button passing it seems like a joke of its former self.

Can I customize my dog
Can I create his dogatar
Can I mold his dogsona
Can I Skype my in game dog
Can my in game dog have his own skype the bing social live friends
Can my in game dog have his own nfl fantasy team
Can my irl dog skype his irl dog friends
Can my irl dog skype my in game dog and trashtalk his nfl dog

a revolutionary call of duty plot: america is invaded (again), shootyman at the browns!!