So, 10 MW or 10 MWh per hour, or 10 MJ/h. Not 10 MW per hour
So, 10 MW or 10 MWh per hour, or 10 MJ/h. Not 10 MW per hour
Just a question, but why exactly is having MagSafe on a monitor a noteworthy feature? In any normal circumstance your monitor gets set up somewhere and plugged in, and you set the wires to be out of the footpath. I would even guess that such a connector could be annoying if someone bumps the cord.
@blehbleh13: Their goal is to make a splash and let people know that there are incredible phones that aren't the iPhone, and to show people that in opposition Apple's ridiculous backlash campaign, their phones really do not suffer from signal loss due to unfortunate hand placement.
@sanjeeva7: Interestingly, Apple claim to have set aside $175M for this program.
@gizread: It might help the discussion to note that "faith" or "belief" in either the Athiest or Christian (or likely most other) senses is often not a blind placement of trust in something. While in some uses that might be the case, it is more often a statement of relying on the steadfastness of that thing.
Do I have to be the first to say that this whole iPhone-with-"DSLR"-lenses thing is just a big gimmick? You could do this with any number of phones and still get nearly the same quality of video (at least with some amount of ambient light). In the end you can do it, but the price and size of the lenses and mounts mean…
You know what phone I have that never drops bars no matter how you hold it?
@KamWrex: Probably depends on the Razr. I've had my V3m for 3 years and it's still going fine.
@saxgod: I would agree that if there's something else causing this that you'd want to figure it out.
@saxgod: Furthermore, as those signals are at different frequencies they do not "cancel eachother out," though they may introduce small amounts of noise into eachother.
@saxgod: Let's be a little bit more clear. I'm not an antenna guy, but I am an electrical engineer. Any EE will learn this much about circuits and signals in the first two years. If you short two components together (e.g. with your finger) you change the frequency response of the circuit, often drastically.
I'm confused. Can't you already do this with Grooveshark? Why should anyone care if iTunes does it?
@saxgod: No offense, but I think you're barking mad. The problem is one of attenuation due to an electrical short, not one of data running into other data. Touching both antennas changes the electrical properties of both, but more directly affects the GSM antenna, "detuning" it. See any one of the numerous articles…
@mruler360: Of course, with 2 million units out there it's not really that unique...
I'm starting to think that even if they were trying a 100% containment solution Gizmodo's writers would trash on BP for it.
Who doesn't want this?
@MaxPoint: Shouldn't it actually be "[Neither] Gizmodo [nor] Gawker Media endorse..." ?
I was wondering about this after I discovered FarmVille brand bottled water in a gas station on the way to Canada. Now I see that the whole scheme is far more insidious than I had suspected.