
At the same time, one of the show's strengths has been that its characters are so much less shitty than on other shows.

Abbi's reaction wasn't quite believable, but Lincoln's reaction to her reaction made it worth it. "I don't really know her… I just bone her friend."

Port Authority is worse partially because it's bigger and harder to navigate. At Penn, it's easier to figure out how to get around so that you're just in and out.

If it makes you feel any better, Abby is actually 31 and Ilana is actually 28.

The "rivalry" between the shows is interesting. I'm sure the shows' actors and creators don't feel it, but I think there will definitely always be a rivalry between fans, and it's a very interesting rivalry.

It's realistic, but when you make realistic art about fuckfaces, you're indirectly saying that the fuckfaces are worthy of a TV show.

I don't think Girls is supposed to be funny - I think that Apatow chose Lena Dunham because he thought she was funny, but I don't think her primary motivation is to be funny. Her primary motivation is more "artsy" for lack of a better word.

The joke is that Abbi's date is a douchebag, and Penn Station isn't really that bad. That's why they don't show how gross it is on the show.