I think the problem is that Netflix’s business model really doesn’t mesh with traditional multi-season television shows, which is why they’re so jumpy to cut their loses and cancel shows.
I think the problem is that Netflix’s business model really doesn’t mesh with traditional multi-season television shows, which is why they’re so jumpy to cut their loses and cancel shows.
You’re right! Totally changes the way the line reads. I thought the original sells Peter’s fear of what his boss has done (which works because we already know what’s going to happen...because he is very obviously Doctor Octopus).
I don’t think the producers of Family Guy have the power to green-light new shows. They’re doing what they can.
You mean the 1 other Batman that we’ve had by Hack Snyder? Yeah I think I trust Matt Reeves to know what he’s doing.
good for you for not liking it.
I’ve been reading near-universal praise for the Spider-Man game for 2 years now, and don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else mention my problem with it. It is soooooo repetitive. Once you finish the main story and dive into the side missions, it just repeats itself over and over again. It’s a gorgeous game. Swinging…
It has been a wild ride seeing her dig her heels in so hard she's now fused to the floor. Like Christ even Mel Gibson faked saying he was sorry. Rowling refuses to do even that.
You don’t like anything do you?
What I don’t get is why a man of color like Stan Edgar seems to be so indifferent about creating superhuman white nationalists like Homelander and Stormfront in the first place?
TRIVIA: Ahmed best was original cast as the daughter of Michael Corleone but screen tests between him and Andy Garcia were so raw and sexual no one could by them as cousins. So Coppola ended up going with a lift sized wooden doll with a face mask of his daughter for the role.
I’m going to assume we’re looking at a The Village twist and risk certain scorn to say that...I liked The Village. It had the feel to me of a modern Twilight Zone and I dug it. Haven’t seen it since it came out and I know it’s the beginning of a period where everyone decided Shyamalan was a hack, but I legitimately…
Oh weird, Jena Malone is an exact anagram of Janelle Monae!!
We passed that a long, long time ago. When President Camacho had a crisis, he sought out the smartest person he could find.
If they want us to understand them then why don’t they speak American like Jesus did.
Doesn't the formula make the animals they test it on go crazy, or am I misremembering things?
Gotta say...I think the best way to go with this would be something in the vein of The OC
He wasn't being punished it was for Will's own good.
I will only watch this if they cast Laurence Fishburne as Uncle Phil.
We’re not done until Gargoyles is rebooted.
If I’ve seen a show in my lifetime where the opening credits started near the thirty minute mark, halfway through the episode, I don’t remember it. A pretty ballsy move, where that first half better be good, and it was fantastic thanks to the brilliant odd couple bromance that is Sheen and Tennant.