Iroquois P.

I don’t think it’s cool when it was this half-assed. If it had been a nice Richard Spencer white nationalist punch, then it’d be great.

No, but is there some enjoyment of watching a man who physically assaulted women get physically assaulted himself, but because due to statutes of limitations and his wealth, this is likely the closest justice he will receive? Yes, yes there is.

I’m not defending Franco here, but social media is a cesspool where commenters jockey for attention by posting the most outrage-filled hot takes they can muster. So it may not be the ideal forum for a wide-ranging, nuanced discussion about improving gender equality.

Oh yeah you definitely hit the nail on the head. “Michelle Williams wants more money for reshoots - no one wants to work with her anymore.” You really understand the industry inside and out.

Maybe not “just”, but absolutely. Or his agent is.

I think it is more that Michelle Williams needs a new agent, ASAP.

I don’t want to be one of ‘those’ guys but Wahlberg negotiated the bonus. Williams did not. This is irrelevant clickbait.

I don’t have any friends let alone internet ones buddy!!

As I understand it, no one ever wanted to see him as a dick on the beat, but he kept forcing them to. Hopefully, this will put and end to it.

This is the most ridiculous argument. She signed up to do work for him, and the work involved nudity. Was the nudity in the contract? Did she disagree with the nudity? Is there a problem with nudity in film? This wasn’t like some personal photography, she signed up to work on a film project and the film included

Funnily enough, that screenshot didn’t include the part where she pursued him and told him she didn’t have a boyfriend “when he was around.”

You really have some problems.

If he did do some of those things he’s clearly horrible, but “my wages to do a nude scene weren’t as high as I would like” is a really lukewarm inclusion in this.

Hmm, I seem to remember Ganz sticking around was used as a salve to try and convince ourselves Season 4 would maybe turn out ok, and the episode she wrote was one of the few people liked.

No he didn’t.

I got a Community notification for this?

I didn’t see any indication that the robots had wiped out the entire human race. The story is deliberately small-scale. The setting is a specific, local, area, and we see no indication that the machines have eradicated things worldwide.

I kind of felt like an asshole because I ended up rooting for the murderdog just because it was kind of adorable in its earnestness. On the other hand the reveal at the end kind of made me stop feeling that. If I had known you had gone on a suicide mission for teddy bears I would have been rooting for the dog harder.

If you haven’t noticed, they’re a very delusional lot.

It’s literally Luke saying to Kylo “that all you’ve got?” in a simple trollish gesture