Iroquois P.

I feel like Jojo is more of an impressive hat trick than the other ones. Every single person sorta held it’s breath when presented with the premise of Taika’s movie.
But upon seeing it, it’s undeniably funny, adorable, sad and poignant. It’s such an impressive tight rope walk, and Waititi makes it looke effortless in

Should I bother with Bombshell? I had no interest in watching it so far, as it seemed just an excuse to have Charlize get that Oscar nomination for wearing a prosthetic nose...

Aside from the obvious problem, was that Gyllenhaal movie terrible? At the time I remember it being the closest a videogame movie ever came to being sort of “...Okay”

Holy shit, it IS on Netflix! It’s just under “February”. Thanks, now it’ll be much easier to recommend to friends.

I may be six months too late, but I got curious:
Did you like it?

Lindsay’s videos are fuckin’ great. I was doing a random search for old Notalgia Chick videos and stumbled upon her current channel.

PHRA... Oh, nevermind.

Judging from the last time she made a list, there might not be any room for apologies:

Oh fuck you

I like Max alright too, but I mostly feel bad for her; Everyone is such an asshole to the poor girl! I really don’t know why she takes it for so long.

Which is?

It was dumb as hell, but I gotta say, when they doubled down on the whole “secret dance of the angels” I remember thinking to myself “That is one bold choice”, narratively speaking.
I guess I just watched it all the way to see where the fuck they would go next. I was disappointed, but I think I might still watch

You can be absolutely sure that there are people digging deep to find any concrete evidence of this at this very moment.
If there is some truth to this, we’ll find out pretty soon.

Now playing

Very much agree. I actually decided to give it a shot after seeing this video of Max Landis answering a question on “how to translate Douglas Adams to the screen”.
It might be hard to take him serioulsy with that hair and matching clothes, though. Maybe just press play and change the tab!

I do NOW! This trailer definitely peaked my interest.
They should branch off of the same old “mutants-in-spandex” stuff and try new things. Logan was a hit being somewhat different and Deadpool made fun of all the old tropes.
Now it’s time to really go out there and expand away from everything Marvel and DC are doing.

That’s just... actually, that is not surprising at all. That dude always looked like a douche.

I’d imagine that the director is going to use the movie’s box office success to court lots of big-name Hollywood stars for this. Which incidentally would help him improve the quality of the material, since the parts with the kids grown up aren’t as compeling.

I always sell Blue Ruin to people by saying that it’s like a Liam Neeson-style revenge movie, but the main dude DEFINITELY doesn’t have a “very particular set of skills”.

[inhales deeply]

Well, duh. I got totally mixed up there.
You're absolutely right