One could even theorize that online-word-of-mouth benefited the last leaked episode's audience.
One could even theorize that online-word-of-mouth benefited the last leaked episode's audience.
That is certainly not the case this time around. The copy I found has a much better quality than the last one.
So… Maesters keep copies of all letters, no matter the recipients intentions with it, going as far as to write them down with precise mimickings of the original letters' handwriting?
Sounds plausible.
It does sound remarkably like some bullshit manufactured tension that exists solely to give these characters something to do. It's out of character for Arya to be this stupid and gullible, and yet, I can bet that it will probably work, since it seems unlikely that Arya is playing some double bluff on Littlefinger,…
I know she did that on the books, but did she do it on the show?
I can't exactly see what angle Littlefinger is playing, though. If he intends to drive a wedge between the sisters, that letter shouldn't be waht does it. Even Robb knew right away that her sister was forced to write that by her captors who had just beheaded their father.
I feel like Littlefinger planted that letter for Arya to find so he can stir up a fight between the sisters. I couldn't read it but it said something about Joffrey.
Anyone screencaped the letter?
I read "something something Joffrey" though I was under the impression that Littlefinger was after Lysa's letter to Cat warning of Jon Arryn's murder.
Maybe Littlefinger planted a false letter for Arya to find?
…. What a bunch of… losers with absolute NO self-control!
I sure as shit wouldn't be caught dead making illegal downloads and betraying the powers invested in me by ComCast.
Only of the amount of money I spent buying a hardcover version of "Kraven's Last Hunt" this morning.
I gotta admit that, when I got home after leaving the theater I spent a shameful amount of time rereading old comics that were stored in the back of my closet.
Shipping costs, shmishing shmoshs!
Joel McHale grinded his junk AND butt into that thing!
Good! I also better not see any bids from you on that Uncle Sam costume.
I want it for… my sister.
What? 'Cause I'm eyeing that pool table!
It's no "Beauty and the Beast" Little French Village, but I personally consider that tiny.
I was born and raised in a city with 250.000 people and it feels fuckin' small. You can pretty much change "Six Degrees of Separation" to "Two" around here.
Can we also ressurect Steve Trevor through Green Ring Magic or some shit? Pretty please?
I couldn't even get the past the "mouthiness" bit.
They at least presented a brief moment in the end, after all the crazy superheroic destruction happens, where a german soldier and one of the main characters just hug out of cheer relief for being alive, war be damned.
It was quick, but it slightly worked on me to humanize them. Specially because it reminded of Joyeux…
I was so skeptical of this movie that I caught myself by surprise when my eyes started welling up with tears at that moment. That was the quintessencial reason why I love comics so goddamn much put into motion. I just thought to myself, "Man, I would follow that woman into battle in a heartbeat".
Holy Shit!