Iroquois P.

Same here. I know I had to study for the BAR Exams, but still, I could've made an effort to watch the second season sooner. I might just check it out tonight, even though I'm not sure if I should bother with it anymore.


What I'm saying is that she was caught off guard in the turmoil of a ten year long relationship falling apart. I wouldn't even know what to do with myself if I was confronted with the crumbling of such a constant thing in my life.
Comparing it to the other alternative endings that the actress talked about in the

Sure, but that seemed to be the point of that look at the end. Not a look of happiness, relief or satisfaction. Her expression said "WTF am I doing?"

I thought so, too. I even went back to look for that absent ring on her finger after reading this. I didn't catch that at all.

In such a small town, she would've not been able to avoid the gossip and the looks of everyone she ever knew her whole life. She had to get away from that as well.
Staying with Dev was her only way to escape. She is avoiding the inavoidable, though.

Holy shit! For real?!

Also Mad Men and Breaking Bad.

I like that viewpoint better. Makes me think they aren't rushing into this, but in fact were given an extra 3 episodes to wrap things up!

Well, at least emotionally exhausting. I'm not here claiming that throwing one-liners and sexual innuendos at girls while taking a dump caused me some sort of physical fatigue, or anything. It's just kinda annoying to be let down sometimes.
So I'd say your best bet is to not put much thought into it. Try seeing it as a

My new girlfriend wanted us to start watching a TV show together, so she asked if I watched anything regularly.
I'll never forget her face when I said that I am currently watching 26 shows simultaneously.

What I find really weird is that not all shows have the same countdown time. When I'm watching old episodes of Friends, after the tag, there is some solid 13 seconds of absolute silence before the next one.
But when I'm watching Master of None is more like 5 seconds.
What's up with that?!

It can be pretty infuriating, but I did meet my current girlfriend on Tinder, so it is possible to make a connection.
It's just exhausting.

I must be one of the few that really enjoyed the second one, even though it wasn't as good. A lot of it was repeated jokes, but some concepts are just funny regardless, the return of the vocal warmups being a perfect example:

Lol, that's actually pretty good.

Or so that people that are midlessly scrolling through Facebook can get a tantalizing glimpse of striking images before they move past it.

Blackfyre Rebellion or GTFO

Oh man. I read the books many years ago so I won't be able to recall it exactly, but if I'm remembering right King's appearance had something to do with the fact that all his books are connected in some way and the energy of the Dark Tower flowed through his mind, which is why all his books sorta have repeting themes,

He used his father's pistol in later books, but he didn't shoot much with the sandalwood guns. When Roland lost his right hand fingers to the lobstrosities, he gave one of his revolvers to Eddie, who shared it with Susannah until she got her Lady Oriza's Plates to fight the Wolves of Calla.

As I recall it, he described it more like Roland reloaded his gun while he was firing it. But I might be wrong too.