Iroquois P.

Holy shit! I had completely forgotten about this VHS rental gem! That movie was crazy dark. I loved it as a kid.
It had such a cutsie title here in Brasil: "The Troublemaking Mouse".
And then it had a scene in which the rat exterminator was heard through a tape screaming in agony Se7en-style as it was tortured and

Well, shit.
I guess I missed that revolting piece of news, which might be more evidence of the minor attention this whole debacle has been given on the media.

I'm sorry, but what Casey Affleck alegations?

They should give that up and coming go-getter Zack Snyder a call! I'm sure he'd be delighted to be involved.

I just need ONE trailer so that I can be sure that this is actually going to be a real thing.

Wow. I might actually have to find the time to check it out, then.

I don't even live in your country, but I have to say: That is one cool guy. I wish my president was as great a person as he seems to be.

"Who would've guessed that everyone in school was a professional dancer?"

Man, I did NOT get all the praise for The Lobster…

The opening song IS pretty great.

What have we done to deserve this endless barrade of Jai Courtney in our movies, Hollywood!??! WHY DO YOU PUNISH US?!

Not symmetric enough.
Poor showing, internet…

I didn't even watch this last season. Was it any good?

But that is also why I love recommending this show to people. They are so varied that you never know which episode is going to resonate with someone, which makes talking about it more interesting.

Yeah, me neither, but what you're gonna do when the friends you grew up with and have loved for years turned out to be somewhat assholes? Break up with them? I'm pretty sure I'm a dick as well and they put up with my bullshit, so…

The Wyatt disciple-bot did imply that Teddy was getting closer to remembering what really happened, but it wasn't quite right yet. Teddy probably was involved in Dolores massacre 30 years ago.

And, on second thought, I imagine that even when you write horribly selfish and self-centered characters, you still love them as your creations. They are interesting because they are so flawed. I know almost every single one of those characters in real life.

And one of them is a Documentary!
Nobody even watches those boring substitutes for hungover teachers.

Oh man, really? I always thought it was a given that Dunham had purposefully wrote the most annoying, self-absorbed, vapid "love-to-hate-them" characters in television. I mean, how can she not see them as caricatures?
On one hand, this might make me like the show even more. But I guess Lena Dunham isn't as clever as I

You just blew my mind with this whole photo thing.