Iroquois P.

But what really bugs me in that first scene is when he says to her:
"They gave you a little more pluck Doloroes. It's absolutely charming".
IF he truly is William, why would he say that? From his perspective she already was a rebellious fighter. He saw her gun down people! Her courage and fighting demeanor shouldn't

I may have missed something, but WHY THE HELL is that butcher helping Maeve? What is to be gained from it?
Don't get me wrong, I want her to succeed, but how is it not clear to him that she's so incredibly dangerous?

One thing that makes me question this theory is that, on the first interaction we see between the Man in Black and Dolores he comments on the fact that "they" gave her more of a fighting spirit or something to that extent.
And that really wouldn't make sense if he were William, since she found him in the woods after

But isn't he the show runner? How does it work "in spite of him"? I thought that title meant that pretty much everything on screen is there because of him.

I would've been stoked for a Transformers movie if it featured Johhny Cash.

Damn you, FOX!!!
Fine, I'll watch it, but this is your last chance!
Pull any more of that recent bullshit and I'll probably, most-likely, quite surely never watch another X-Men movie again.

Great recap, which the highlight surely was hearing Cleese saying "The Guv'nah".

I thought she hid it in the haystack herself, while glitched out.
It seemed that she had another glimpse of consciousness and had a flashback (probably of being attacked in the barn), so she placed the gun there in order to defend herself later that night.

Maybe she did it. My thought was that, like other robots, she was having flashbacks of past attacks and deaths, so she "subconsciously" hid the gun in the haystack so that she could use it to defend herself later that night.

My guess is that she remembered being raped in the barn every night so, while spacing out, she hid the gun in the haystack in order to defend herself later that night.

Hey, how does night work in the park?
Is there a curfew or you can spend all night partying?
If you stay there all night, can you see the cycle begin again?
Isn't there some clean-up necessary everyday?
How come the group that was stuck in a loop was supposed to arrive "two days ago" if there's really only one perpetual

Oh God, no…

Wasn't there an official book released recently precisely about Obi-wan's time in Tatooine?
Just go and adapt that!

By far my favorite thing about Nancy Grace is her CONSTANT appearance in movies and TV shows as herself, always advocating the wrong side of the story!
I mean, it takes a special kind of egotistical maniac to present yourself in fiction as just as hyperbolic and misguided as your detractors claim you are.
It doesn't

When I heard about this project I assumed that's what they were gonna do. Makes much more sense.

and some wife cheating.

Brad Pitt sure loves some Nazi killing.

I guess they call it "DC Extended Universe" for a reason.

I guess I should probably read Dune already…

Cool, a Black Bear!!!
And it only took me three different e-mail addresses, one rat and a weasel to get it!