
Right there with you. I realize now that I’ve spent the last few years almost exclusively playing HD remasters of older games and the very occasional AAA single player title (hello Witcher 3).

I’d honestly be more concerned if a bunch of 16-18 year olds weren’t leveraging their fame to get some.

Geez, if you can’t mingle with the groupies anymore, what’s the point of celebrity? Fame and fortune only fills a small hole in ones life. Groupies allow one to to fill many holes.

How old are they? 16? 18? It seems pretty harsh to punish them for asking a couple fans out. God forbid they have a life outside their profession

At what point do we call the Oscars completely irrelevant and out of touch and completely ignore them and the people who nominate the films?

I really think you are mischaracterizing why people play on these. If the game is as sub par as you claim then why would people play even if free? Lots of free games come and go every year.

Shippers are cut from the same cloth as furries and bronies. Best to just avoid all of it

‘Shippers, aka, people with too much time on their hands and a severe lack of social skills.

I hate design. It’s a neverending contest to see who can find the most irrelevant thing and fetishize the shit out of it.

That Main Story tease is making me hypeeeed for this patch, can’t come soon enough.

EE: Stop. Stop. You literally put the homie’s shit on blast to strangers for no reason. Stop. People like you are the reason people like him are afraid to date, and that’s got nothing to do with him, and everything to do with you. Stop.

One of her other friends, a guy, was a bit of a weird one. He would spend a lot of time with her doing nothing but just being there. He would even go to karaoke with her despite almost never singing. He would always tag along with us, and my now-girlfriend said there’s no need to tell him we’re dating since he doesn’t

You’re a sad excuse for a person.

Your comment seems to miss the point that this article is about J RPGs. If you wanted to be smarmy and condescending about jap RPGs as opposed to western ones, you commented on the wrong thread and made yourself look a bit silly. Have a great Christmas. 

Presumably you’re saying JRPGs aren’t real RPGs (not that I disagree with you), but isn’t that a pointless statement when you expected them to not speak about JRPGs in a post entitled “The Year in JRPGS, 2016"?

If you played the game more, you’d probably feel different. They are actually making changes to slow the combat down because almost all players feel that it’s too much. So do the devs. It gets super super chaotic and fast later on.

The level of hype that my FC members and I had last night from watching the keynote from ffxiv/reddit was unreal. This is shaping up to be one of the best MMO surprises of 2017. Let’s hope they can blaze a better trail than with Heavensward.

It’s just more Tumblr bait like it always is tbh >_>

Ugh, please don’t refer to yourselves as “an Overwatch fan site”. That’s one of those things where, if you keep joking about it, eventually it will come true. This is the only game site I have left. All my other favorites have either closed down, or the editors have gone on bizarre, paranoid, ultra-left wing tirades

but..there really isnt any grind in this game (for your first character anyway) if you just do main quests and side quests with no diviation which pretty much never have any staple mmo quests like “get 5 bear butts” you never have to grind even once.