
What are you talking about? There weren’t 25 characters to unlock. There were like 8-10. And they adjusted the price for unlocking each character before the game even released so you could unlock them all in just a few hours.

I dont even know who any of those people are. I see that dude with mic so i guess he is a singer or something I have no idea.


People are way too excited for this...

It’s ten points per goal. And as far as magical sporting events goes, I’d argue the Triwizard Tournament makes less sense than Quidditch. At least in Quidditch the spectators can actually see what’s going on.

I think it’s 10 pts per score if you get it though the hoops.

Because disgagreeing with you, is considered trolling now? You call Vavra a white supremacist based on tweets where he argues why there are no people of color in rural 15th century Bohemia, and that he wears a Burzum t-shirt... A member of the band has done horrible things and has some disgusting views, their

You are gonna judge 1 game made by a lot of different people, because of 1 guy racist tweet?

Two things...

This guy seems like one of a kind so its kinda of a useless strawman to make.

Yeah but men dont have the luxury of showing a bare modicum of skin and being showered with donations and subs, they have to actually be entertaining or good at the games they play. It goes both ways.

Is there any female streamers that are even close to how popular the doc is?? Just saying because if they’re not then its a completely different situation.

What is the insane part of this story to you? The fact that an entertainer drew 389,000 viewers? That happens all the time. The fact that drama increased his success? That also happens all the time. There are entire TV shows built on that foundation.

They added shit-ton of class-specific quests in Legion. You actually start the expansion with class-specific questline. There are also class-specific mounts and weapon skins.

Not entirely true.

Interesting, it seems that a few changes are getting rolled back. I remember when the amount of experience to level was decreased because people were complaining that it took too long to hit endgame. I don’t remember if the health of monsters was lowered as well, or if characters just became so powerful that

My takeaway? Old time views on courtship and pursuit cannot co-exist with modern feminism. Do away with “non-verbal cues.” Millennial women cannot harp on affirmative consent and then say “But I gave you non-verbal cues.” Can’t have it both ways.

You’re right. I’m an idiot. I’m an assault survivor (stranger rape) and a moron. This story minimizes real assault. I’ve also fought a guy off with a broken bottle who was restraining me (on a separate occasion) and attempting to get me to suck him off. Guess I’m just sheltered like that.

There is so much of this article that is disingenuous. “Grace” isn’t in Ansari’s industry, and her career would not be affected by this.