
Why would he need help? His statements are in excellent agreement with the available evidence on the heritability on intelligence.

It’s not debunked. On the contrary, scientific evidence strongly supports heritable IQ differences between ethnic groups.

There is VERY STRONG scientific evidence for heritable intelligence differences between ethnic groups. Black people perform more than a standard deviation worse on IQ tests than white people. We also know from twin studies than 85% of the variance in IQ is genetical, which means the observed group difference is many

>idiotic “reverse discrimination” claims

The Nevada supreme court ruled that their state-constitution version of the ERA required the state to fund abortion. A clearly erroneous decision in my view. That is the risk with new amendments, they may be used by activist judges to enforce their agenda. I support the ERA conditional on it’s literal interpretation.

Why do you think his proposal for OTC birth control is inadequate?

This is WRONG. Whenever states have reduced funding for higher education colleges INCREASED tuition, and vice versa. Cutting of funding is responsible for almost 100% of tuition rises.

But paying the much, much higher military budget with taxes is fine? I would rather see my money go towards educating our children than the military-industrial complex (=murder industry).

Only at very high altitude (cloud cities). On the surface it’s equally hot everywhere.

The surface temperature on venus is the same everywhere, no difference between poles and equator. That’s because Venus atmosphere can transport enormous amounts of heat by convection.

What a stupid statement. Copying information is a natural right, while so called “copyright” is not. Copyright is an artificial concept upheld only through state violence. If you support copyright, you support aggression against peaceful individuals.