
Who is this mysterious person identified only as “Veloso?” Is he the alleged robber? A swimmer? A police sergeant, lieutenant, captain, or chief?

Veloso the police chief?

I’m not seeing where in the article you introduce who Veloso is.

Thanks - that’s exactly the sort of introduction I’d expect the first time his name is mentioned in this post. Pretty sure writers are supposed to tell readers who they’re talking about.

Don’t quit your day job. Which I assume is collecting welfare.

It’s shameful that the media cares about this more than the hundreds of thousands of thousands of people who have lost everything in the flood, which is STILL coming, by the way.

“Urine a lot of trouble fellas.”

Hey I have a question, who the hell is Veloso? I see that last name mentioned three times in this piece without any explanation of who it is or why I should care about him/her/it.

A judge told the Times that making a false claim in Brazil was “not that serious” and “results in very little punishment.”

Just FYI, in the midst of the article you start citing a “Veloso”, but you never established in your article that that was the Police Chief’s name. I only know because I followed the link to the NYT article.

Classic Lochte. I wonder if he realized he was making a cameo on 30 Rock...

Who is Veloso?