
2016: The year a politician lied and twisted reality and still managed to win an election.

Thanks, Lloyd, for explaining what everybody who watched last night's episode already understood.

"I never, truly believed that they would actually move back to Russia"


No, that doesn't bother me.

I mean, when you say "alpha" the male is implied. Still, it's not correct that male has nothing to do with it.

O really?

Oh really?

I fucking love science. Sexually.

I don't remember much about the first season, but what was so terrible about selling shit on ebay? Are you saying should have been working a regular job?

Why do you hate women, Thigvald?

I don't really understand why people get so worked up about this. The JWs knock on our door maybe three times a year. I quickly but politely tell them that I'm a practicing Catholic who will not be leaving his faith but that I would be grateful for their prayers. At that point they always stop selling, they're always

Sigh. I love this show but I get so tired of the misogyny.

"Not gonna play."

I see. So, he's asking for it.

Right. It's should be very obvious by now that the bug program is not what Philip and Elizabeth think it is.

Yes, other people did catch that.

Nice victim shaming

Yeah, I'm a little surprised at how willing most of the people here are to accept what is essentially wild speculation by Elizabeth, Phillip, and Gabriel. It seems far more likely that the Jennings have stumbled upon research into genetically modified, insect resistant wheat seeds.

Who is "everyone"? Besides the deputy director, has there been another character on the American side who has indicated secrecy?