
What useful advice could Hilary give him?  How to lose a presidential election twice?

HA! It just aired here on the west coast and I must amend my earlier comment. Half an hour after the exchange when she didn’t mention Daddy, came this (49 minutes in, if you’ve recorded the show);

That’s just not true. He endorsed Hillary at the 2016 Democratic Convention and then campaigned for Hillary on the road. It’s not fair to confuse the behavior of some Bernie-or-die supporters with the actions of the man himself.

The vast majority of them voted for Clinton.

Didn't he travel the country campaigning for Clinton?

Will this ever die?

Did about 90% of Bernie Primary voters vote for Hillary in the general?

Their denials are just exhausting at this point. Of course they don’t want to believe that their brother or uncle lulled children into a sense of safety around him only to attack them. They should know that a 9 year-old, even having heard about sex, doesn’t really know what sex is. Children are trained to be compliant

If he had set it primarily in Hollywood it probably would have won more Oscars.

Before all the Clinton apologists get in here, I’d just like to remind everyone that even Gawker published a 2015 story, complete with references to actual photographs of flight logs, that showed Bill Clinton on flights with his security detail and a couple underage “masseuses”. We know they’re underage because if we

It’s not about Acosta. It is about the victims having a voice.

I would love for someone to ask Clinton about Jeffery and what he knew and if he took part. Obviously he would not admit to anything. But the idea that Bill rode that plane many  times and didn’t see anything is hard to believe. I get the impression that Jeffery didn’t hide the girls he trafficked.

I don’t see anything happening. Acosta is not loosing his job. Jeffery allegedly has video of men that raped the girls he trafficked and too many powerful men are connected to this man for anything to happen.

This is a case that absolutely needs a full, public airing. And to any men who are implicated, no matter how rich, powerful and connected they are, let the chips fall. Drag them all through as much public shaming and humiliation as possible.

I was having a cigarette (yes, I know I should quit) in my garage 3 minutes ago when I read this. I did a happy dance all by myself. Small victories.

I didn’t think radical centirism as a thing, but then I wandered into these comments.

Holy cow. Enjoy zero progress from a party that hasn’t produced a meaningful and lasting piece of legislation since the 30s.

I wouldn’t say he panders to white folks, though you could certainly have an argument given his “white people not voting for black people isn’t racist because I say so,” but he has a general cluelessness about people of color.

L-I-V-I-N-G for all the commenters up in arms over this article, claiming they have “legit concerns” over his policies but when anyone DARED suggest the same for HRC, they were labeled simply as sexist and not liking her!!!!! Lol at ALL OF YOU

This dude is going to get my primary vote. Again.