Good point, but she still uses Chris-chan on her twitter as a short form of Christine so I thought it was not deadnaming her. I can’t edit the post now but in future I’ll do that to avoid any misrepresentation.
Good point, but she still uses Chris-chan on her twitter as a short form of Christine so I thought it was not deadnaming her. I can’t edit the post now but in future I’ll do that to avoid any misrepresentation.
Hey Cecilia, Chris-chan has transitioned and is a trans woman. It’s hard to find decent information about them but this seems legit (see their twitter @CWCSonichu), could you update the pronouns you use for them to be they/them or she/her?
“...and women tend to be more idealistic”
Meanwhile, John Norman of Gor series fame is still not fired and a professor in New York. You know, the guy who writes about that fantasy world where women are slaves because they are naturally submissive, a belief he has also expressed outside of his fiction. I’ve had some bad teachers but I’m always glad I’ve never…
So um can we see your painting and secretly not-judge it?
The most ridiculous chat option I’ve seen so far was “I have it”, “I don’t have it”, “Yep” and I forget the last one. Clicking “I’ve got it” make my character say “Yep, here you go.”FUUUU-
This is a Skyrim mod, right?
Why not just embed the tweet?
Well, at least the Karmapa seems to be a bit more level-headed.
Well, my dad killed my brothers. That was pretty mortifying.
The guy who created the game, Shigesato Itoi, now makes Japan’s most popular planner, the Hobonichi Techo. In all seriousness I never got excited about planners until I saw what this guy did with them.
What the fuck is a hostess gift? Sounds like some upper-class pretentious bullshit, especially if it’s something WASPs get upset about if it exists/is not present/exists inappropriately.
For once, I’d like Bethesda to feature a female or black protagonist in a trailer. Even if it’s an option in game, never ever have they made a trailer that reflects any options but the white male. It’s depressing.
When I first started playing Diablo 2 nine years ago my boyfriend (now husband) showed me how to set the difficulty by telling the game there were more players, the highest being "players 8". Now, these difficulty settings are usually used by well-geared players to get better loot and experience, not by first timers…
So this happened on my newsfeed.
So a woman with a beating heart but no brain activity is legally dead, but a foetus with a beating heart and only two weeks of minimal brain activity, which wont even show any 'signs of life' or movement for another 5 weeks, is alive?
I used to use the name Tenitachi, as it's the genus of my favourite animal (Pine Marten) in a language I study (Japanese). But then I realised that even in English not many people have heard of the Pine Marten, and the Japanese just looks like I'm a massive Naruto fan (I am, or at least was, but shhh). Also American…
Ugh, willpower. I was a skinny kid, super skinny. Until I was 16 I could fit both my hands around my waist with fingers and thumbs touching. And I ate like a horse, I must have eaten 4000 calories a day, and if I didn't I just got thinner. Yep that's right, a thyroid problem. However I distinctly remember my doctor…
I had a Ms. Brown once, too, who gave me detention for being beaten up. Seriously. The other girls who were throwing me around like a dodgeball collaborated to say that I was not actually being shoved from one girl to the next, but running into them repeatedly. Out of them, with their history of bullying, and me, with…