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LuAnn is the worst. However it will be great if she does marry this dude because we can finally drop the countess act. It’s amazing how whatever she seems to be into (etiquette, banging young dudes, being in love) she ends up being a pretentious mess over it.

It’s a power and dominance thing, I bet. He’s objectifying women and diminishing their humanity. Such a remark serves to humiliate them and make them feel self-conscious. He probably doesn’t really see women as people but as objects for his enjoyment.

This causes feelings of both “that doesn’t surprise me” and “goddamnit, can’t we for once just leave it at ‘yes, this guy seemed perfectly fine and then it turned out he was a rapist,’” because every time we hear about how everyone else knew he was creepy and gross it reaffirms many people’s notions that the men they

I wonder what he’s like?

She’s elated because she’s broke and living in Sonja’s attic and now has a way out.

Clogged sink? Vinegar and baking soda. Rings in your clear glasses/vases? Soak with hot water and vinegar. Quick clean you wood floors? Vinegar and water mixture. Weeds in your driveway cement? Vinegar, drop of Dawn, baking soda. What else, what else?

I really love everything about Tig, including what appears to be a cranky side that came out a little bit in this interview. She and Amy seem like they would not ever get along because Tig seems genuine and sincere and Amy is ridiculously sarcastic. They just seem like people who would NOT get along. And I think it’s

Bethenny is one of those people who just don’t understand that being honest doesn’t magically absolve you of other social sins. It’s possible to be 100% honest in a completely brutal, rude, unnecessary, self-serving way. She needs to learn when to keep her thoughts to herself and how to actually be friendly to people.

In vino veritas, beeyotch. The booze doesn’t CAUSE the behavior. It removes the filters and inhibitions that normally PREVENT the behavior. A guy who inherently doesn’t rape won’t suddenly turn into a rapist after a couple of beers.

Well that was just unreadable. She’s just rambling on about her stupid band and something about skipping college to be in a band.

Those who have defended him have unleashed the Streisand effect. If not for these ludicrous defense letters we would have stopped talking about Brock Turner days ago. Now his name, face, and actions will be on everyone’s mind for a long time, making it hopefully harder for him to rugsweep the rape he perpetrated once

One of my husband’s best friends in high school (and elementary school) was convicted of a drunk driving offense in which no one was injured but significant damage and expense to property occurred.

Oh alcohol effects someones sober character? How unique, what news.

The fight wasn't really whether LeeAnne shit her pants. She copped to that. It was whether her "friend" Marie shared her deep secret told to her in confidence with some twit who eventually shared it with the group at a recent dinner party. Indeed LeeAnne needs to learn to temper her reactions to things and replace her

There is something that makes him seem particularly sociopathic to have that smiling photo above the details horrible crime he committed. The lack of empathy lurking behind the surface of a happy, seemingly all american, (white) boy makes it somehow seem even more unexpected and horrifying that he did it.

They never mention the once promising future of the victim who is now saddled with the trauma of rape.

Hi Jill!