Per Edman

The "Option" key is magic.

Or rather, it's the button that hides on the Mac all those options that we Windows users expect to find available immediately. Try it in Airport Utility when setting radio mode. Try it on the "Volume" icon in your upper right activity tray. Try it on the "Go" menu of Finder.

That. Was. Awesome!

Sadly incorrect. Quite contrarily, a lot of people sweat more easily once they've gotten "into shape". Your body adapts to performing peak work quickly from a flat start and then needs to cool itself off. So many people have the opposite experience compared to what you did, sweating more and more easily once they've

Sorry, that was just featured pages.

Been done in the past. Looks like this:

For one thing, it shows the current speed of all cores at once, not just the one you've selected.

I'd really like to benefit from the wisdom of this article, but I've been nagging about a salary renegotiation with my company for two and a half years now. Last time the response was "Yes! Absolutely! In March... April... or May!" As you well know, it is now August.

Yes. About female applicants whom I know beforehand. :(

Not getting it b/c barely clad cover lady.

Yeah most smartphones are smarter than that and still output the alarm through speakers.

So much this. Just listen to that mournful vocal instrumentation.

I have kind of an old account and even though I have played a lot of CS and DoD in my day, none of that apparently counts as played any more. There must have been some sort of reset a few years back.

How come these are not so creepy:
"So, I hear you have kids?"
"Someone told me you play the piano?"
"I read what you wrote about your stint in Africa, that sounds fascinating!"

But these are:
"You wrote on your public page that you have children?"
"Your profile said you play the piano?"
"I found your blog post about

Being serious, your idea is both helpful and just and in line with my own convictions. Taking your idea for myself, I will buy "Don't Starve" in the Steam sale, and not buy "CS:GO" because only the first of those has a female model in the game. I too am voting with my wallet, and I thank you for pointing it out. (Even

Not being sarcastic. I just found out exactly how many of the games I buy I never play. Having a justified reason to weed some of those out before I play them will save on both money and that weird bad feeling I get when I have unplayed games lying around and still never playing them. I agree that it is a just reason

Hey, that could actually help me pick out what games to buy, a cut-off at "Developer did not even consider a female lead". Maybe with that "did not even consider" caveat, I can still play Deus Ex and follow the principle?

Yeah whatever happened to escapism. "Cannot relate" they say. "Just play FIFA and Bald Guy Shooting Stuff III" they say.

On that note, HOLY CRAP TOMB RAIDER REBOOT WAS FANTASTIC I played it from start to finish without even a Facebook break.

Yes, it's a perfect excuse.