Per Edman

I for one look forward to the day when no-one alive has heard of Emacs. Or Vi. Nasty critters.

This is not the nuclear option.

I played it like a S.T.A.L.K.E.R game pretty much. Oh and Possession.

Because they all warp when you shoot at them anyway. Or maybe that was just for me on 1999.

I was thinking 0451.

Oh that. No, I didn't think of that as a tie-in.

You mean the System Shock / System Shock 2 / Deus Ex / Ray Bradbury easter egg?

Of course.

That escalated quickly - ALL the girls that were there said this? EVERY SINGLE ONE? Odd that wasn't in the tweets then.

If they didn't do it, isn't that exactly when they SHOULD deny it?

It doesn't mean that. Hate is emotional and therefore affects us, but it has nothing to do whether there is actual, factual criticism to be made against your work.

Good thing they can't write a coherent, reproducible report worth s—t. You're a professional, you HAVE to test and report. It's not the same as jerkbags like me playing whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like and maybe not even file a single issue report.

Well it IS a nice spot in the sun...

That's the second use for wirecutters.

Check your facts before you open your ... err, hands.

Never go full retard.

Thank you for saying this!

I'm not getting a free game because I didn't buy the freaking thing because this is exactly the kind of crap I expected.

That actually sounds like a pretty cool setup. Not exactly a quick fix, but that just might work.

Parts of your game run on their servers. Years from now, probably most computers can run both parts. But the thing is, I don't trust EA to allow any such thing. If it were physically (mathematically) possible, EA would disable more online services each year than they publish new games.

They can't. It's not a DRM, it's cloud-based computing and databases. According to the design at least.