You’d think Jezebel would be all about the Kurds, but I guess thinking to much about it gets in the way of tallying up bullet points
You’d think Jezebel would be all about the Kurds, but I guess thinking to much about it gets in the way of tallying up bullet points
Paul Manafort is shitty but saying “the US opposes” Kurdish independence does not make it shady. This site loves to rail against things “the US [goverment] opposes” all the time, why suddenly make that a hill to stand on. The authoritarian Turkish government opposes it, Kurds are some of the few people fighting ISIS…
Like almost any other racial slur never just slips out, I’ve never seen an article on kotaku about people saying chink in a stream, the fact that I have to type the whole word shows how little it’s used
I just don’t get the n word being a go to word for a white person unless it’s something you think about on the regular.
The national BSA organization is terrible, but my regional experiences in the SF Bay Area were great and also very inclusive, we did have a lot of Explorer groups which others have pointed out are already co-ed. Internationally the Japanese scouts are co-ed and when we did an exchange and visited Japan, the dynamic…
Hah being in Europe on vacation actually put me in a great position as far as timing goes....except the whole bait and switch with the amazon page and receiving no alert. Fuck, also got burned by the Walmart preorder debacle. This sucks.
True story, Mr. Rogers filmed an episode of his show at my school when I was in seventh grade. We all got to shake hands and meet him in person and it has always been one of the most memorable moments of growing up, he was just as warm and genuine in person as he was on TV.
This kind of story reminds me that all this GWB nostalgia is bullshit. Remember the continuing conflict in the Middle East and Halliburton? And we were sending fucking young people over there to die. Trump is capable of doing the same kind of shit, but I hate to see bad paintings and a battle with a poncho somehow…
Growing up, the day was a school holiday anyways. But that’s Berkeley for you, we also got Malcolm X day off.
What does that mean? It says he wrote some articles for gizmodo at the bottom of the article
I’m just surprised that there seems to be no non sexual interpretation of it from people. She can’t just be a bad ass who tricked you?
Hitlery will grab our guns by the pussy
As a bartender, my advice is to give this a little swizzle before you add ice. Ingredients like honey and gum syrup can seize up and not mix properly if you don't stir a little first.