This is the precise reason why I will never take my boyfriend’s name when we get married. My initials are A.S.R, and his last name begins with a S.
I can't go through life as A.S.S., you guys. I won't.
This is the precise reason why I will never take my boyfriend’s name when we get married. My initials are A.S.R, and his last name begins with a S.
I can't go through life as A.S.S., you guys. I won't.
As someone who loves both Pokémon and John Steinbeck's East of Eden, I actually really like this. I think of EoE Abra first, though, not the pokemon.
I’m not sure that my parents ever regretted my name, mostly because my grandfather named me, and that man refuses to ever regret anything. I always feel gross about it, though, because he paid the hospitals fees, he got to name me. “You technically belong to me. I paid for you.” Although he named me after a famous…
This sounds like a really bad idea, but isn’t that what life is about-making bad choices and not learning from them?
In all seriousness, I love fruit, and I live in a part of the world that is known for its produce production. However, fruit is still kinda expensive, and I would miss tacos. I wouldn’t mind having fruit…
I’m unsure as to what the fuss is about. This is just your standard cloud.
Now if it was shaped like a bunny, THEN that would mean something! Though I'm not sure if Trump lives close enough to a volcano for it to matter.
Well shit, if I can’t eat avocados or drink almond milk, what in the hell can I eat/drink?
I am lactose intolerant, and I need a milk substitute. I prefer almond milk, but I guess I’ll just have to go soy from now on.
It’s gonna be a bit harder finding a substitute for avocados, though.
Hot damn, where's Professor Moody when you need him?
You have perfectly expressed how I feel about this whole damn situation.
I loved Bernie. He had my vote-in him, I saw the future, and it looked bright. But then, reality happened, and we were left with Clinton and Trump. And while I would love to hold on to that vision that Bernie gave us, I can’t cling to it. I’m…
Wait, this is for real?!
I just thought that all the pokemon in my area hated me, and didn’t want to get near me. I think the launch went well, but I can’t wait for them to fix the servers and game features.
Chirstopher Walken and John Travolta had the chemistry to pull that off!
And it is a very nice song. I love Hairspray XD
So this song is from a cartoon, but I really like it. I would dance my first dance to this:
Another reason I feel iffy about giving my grandpa his own dance is because, well, my boyfriend’s grandparents (both sides) have passed away already. I’ll prolly dance with my grandpa at some point, but it seems like it would be a bit much to give him his own dance.
I don’t talk to my bio father, period. That father/…
That sounds like a perfect wedding to me. Especially on the garter toss/ bouquet thing- at my boyfriend’s sister’s wedding, his family could not convince me to go up to go catch the bouquet, but my boyfriend got suckered into having to take part of the garter toss. Ew. Just ewwww. No thank you.
As for parent dances,…
My boyfriend and I have decided that when we get married, we want to play the Legend of Zelda: Windwaker main theme for our “entrance.” As for our first dance, well, I’m really digging this song:
Of all the dances that a bride is obligated to do, I am super not looking forward to THAT one. Mostly because I’m estranged from my bio father, and I would be fine dancing with my stepdad, but then my grandpa would be a whiny baby about it because family politics and want his own dance with me and goddamn, this is too…
The “long hair” tip brings back memories. There was a section of P.E. in my freshman year of high school that was run by an older female teacher, and she gave us that piece of advice (although it was altered to "either cut your long hair or wear it up") along with these gems:
-Don’t wear loose clothing, it makes it…
She decided to strike a dramatic pose for this picture XD
Kitty pic thread!!!! This is Kiku, and her two new babies. At the time of this post, they are a little over a week old, and are starting to open their eyes. They are two little cotton floofs :3
I have a question: what about NO shampoo?
I’ve heard that shampoo can be a bit rough on your hair, so I gave it up about a month or two ago. Honestly? My hair has never been so manageable. It used to be very dry and rough, and now it's so soft, shiny, and smooth. I also shower every day, or every other day, in cold…