
Handshakes are my way to say hello. I take pride in giving a firm handshake.
Some people seem to regard this as being too formal, and I find that most strangers (particularly ladies) will go in for hugs nowadays. While this is a nice gesture, I really, really do not like being hugged (or most form of touching.)

Beep boop! I mean, hello

My work wardrobe IS my wardrobe. Who doesn’t like versatile clothing?
I’ve never had any complaints about my clothing choices, and just the other day I wore a knee-length green dress that had a Victorian high neck AND a boob window. I mean, it sounds gross and kind of weird, but that mash of attributes results in one

My family used to have a pitbull, a beautiful blond, golden-eyed girl that we named Miki. We had had her since she was born, and she was the sweetest, stupidest dog that I have ever known. If she knew you, she was all love and smiles, and would greet people by standing up on her hind legs and looking over the gate

Sorry, Kinja messed up my first reply. But to finish where I left off:

That reminds me of when my family first moved to Georgia.
Since the house on the military base was still being prepped for us, we had to temporarily live in a trailer park, and I finished out my year of kindergarten at a nearby school.
I have no good memories of that school. I was a quiet kid and I wanted to make

PETA’s right!
I have lived a very selfish life up until I read this tweet.
From now on, I shall consult my chicken strips and ask them which sauce they want to be dipped in. In addition, I also pledge to cover myself in the same sauce, as a show of solidarity!

Lois Duncan was one of those authors that I really enjoyed reading when I was a teenager, and I have been getting nostalgic for her writing as of late. I have been planning to re-read her books (via my fire tablet), and this news is really shocking to me. Authors, perhaps more so than movie stars, just seem immortal

You do you.
But the minute you drag my ass into this by nipping (or really, any unsolicited touching) me, you get punched.
Also, please do not compare the struggles of the LGBTQ community to your kink.

The office I work in is somewhat relaxed, with business casual being the on-paper-standard we are held to, but the bosses take comfort into consideration (so long as you look professional.) I’m a receptionist, so the emphasis on looking professional is because “You’re the first thing our guests see when they walk in,

My new favorite bra is a $13 one that I got from walmart the other night because my sports bra was getting very old, I can't really afford to drop $40 on a bra (although this looks like it's a good product), and I did not want to have to wear a bra with underwire. Underwire sucks, you guys! I don’t care that my boobs

I don’t know how she kept her cool. THAT IS NOT OKAY.
As a person who does not like unsolicited touching (even by people I love-the other day, my boyfriend went to brush something out of my hair, and I was not expecting it and did that thing that cats do where they crane their heads

To Family and Race-
It’s unfortunate to say this, but they may never like her, and that isn’t your fault, or hers. They are racist buttholes, and good on you for never backing down when they say racist things! Keep that up.
My mom and I are in interracial relationships, and we have dealt with our own racist in-law

No disrespect to the author of this article, but...we can only wonder at how C.A. Pinkham would have written this.
Also *throws up violently in a corner because this is so nasty WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS*

What a brave person. She has been through so much, and I think that it’s very admirable of her to find the bright side in all of this. I’m not sure that I’d have half the strength she has displayed so far. I wish her the best, truly.
(P.S.- I also feel like an asshole because the first thing that comes to my mind

I just saw Gods of Egypt last night, and my boyfriend and I had a lot of fun making fun of it.
Everything else aside, the most distracting part of the movie was Gerard Butler’s accent. I mean, it was a dumb movie, and there are lots of things that were bothersome and distracting, but it was easy to get into it, if you

Every time I see this gif, I laugh way harder than I should. It’s just so ridiculous! But also because my stupid cat is more content to stare at potential prey and meow-complain at me until I get rid of it.
For example-that one time I caught her staring at the wall at about 3 AM. Turns out she was staring at a house

My grandparents went on a camping trip to Yosemite with my aunt and uncle, as well as their children (who were both probably 6 and 4 at the time.) My aunt and grandma were still asleep, and my grandpa was preoccupied with making breakfast, but when he looked up, he saw my cousins closing in on a deer that had wandered

Jesus, lord, prepare my soul
*presses play*
*remembers that I’m not actually christian*
Well, fuck

A horrible fraternity?