
Beverly Cleary was one of the best authors of my childhood.
I could often relate to Ramona, and I still feel as though she is one of the most realistic characters that has ever been written. And how am I just finding out NOW that she has written about herself?
Excuse me while I go scour my library’s catalog-I have more

Oh geeze.
I consider myself to be agnostic-heavily leaning-toward-atheist, and as such, I don't necessarily think that there's an afterlife. I think that graveyards are less for the dead then it is for the living, though-a place for us to gather and neatly set a person that we honored and cherished. I feel that the

Old Navy is my jam!!!
They make cute clothes in plus sizes (which means yay, I can wear them!), and it’s SUPER affordable (although I tend to try to catch their sales for extra affordability.) Plus, their jeans and shorts are amazing, and although I usually have to take them in a bit, they always fit pretty well.

I shower daily, or just about every other day, but that’s just because it’s a part of my daily grooming. I avoid the dry skin deal by showering in cool or cold water, and by moisturizing immediately afterwards with lotion.
Also, I just like showers.

It looks like a cross between Molly Ringwald’s dress from Pretty in Pink, a child’s dress from the Edwardian period, and a ruffly pillowcase.
Normally my interest would be piqued, but the color is kind of gross and it’s waaaay too expensive.
I can’t say much about the fabric, though. I’m more concerned about the price.

I like it. It looks peaceful, if not slightly threatening (kind of like a piece of an old, rusted mech suit, half buried off in the distance of some post apocalyptic future. All is calm on what used to be The Front.)
Plus, I mean, it looks like something outta Beetlejuice. If the whole thing is a joke, it’s a very

I’m not sure how legit Jackson Galaxy is, but ever since I started watching My Cat from Hell, I feel like it’s really helped with how I communicate with my cat.
I mean, before, we had a pretty good relationship (she used to be pretty skittish, and I was the only one who knew how to handle her), but now, I feel as

I don't like tomatoes, but that sandwich isn't weird at all. That's what we call a Harriet M. Welsch.

My grandparents got a “singing” washer a few years ago when their ancient one finally went kaput. Granted, it is a fantastic machine, but that stupid jingle still throws me out of sorts whenever a load finishes. Washers don’t need to play music.

Those photos are a bit cringey to me, but I mean, however you mourn is none of my business. And I mean, it could be weirder- the Victorians used to pose with their dead children, and wear hair cameo jewelry.
And then there’s this sicko.

My guy and I pretty much have the same idea as to what we want in a wedding-small and intimate, with a non-religious ceremony. After seeing his sister get married this February and watching her get super stressed out about it (mostly due to her MIL interfering with her plans, and being a jerk to her throughout the

There’s one CVS that I don’t frequent anymore.
In order for this to be relevant, you must first know that my mom and I are Latinas, and my stepdad is black.
Anyways, my mom, stepdad, and I had gone out to dinner one evening, and on the way home we stopped to pick up a prescription medication for my brother. It was

I hope he loses his voice, so that he’ll have a harder time spreading his bullshit around.

There’s no shame in going by yourself. I went by myself the other night (plans with friends fell through, but dammit, I needed to get out), and I had a very good time. It’s an excellent movie! So good, that I turned around and took my younger siblings out to see it the next day, and they enjoyed the hell out of it.

May flights of mockingbirds sing thee to thy rest.

For some reason, I was the house cheese grater. Whenever we had a dish with cheese in it, my mom would make me grate it-I think it was to maybe get me interested in cooking? Anyways, the family dog and cats would gather ‘round, because they knew I’d give them some (but only a little-it was still our dinner cheese, and