
You’d think that people would treat these things with respect. Stories like this always make me angry, because artifacts like these rocks are historical (archaeological?) wonders. It reminds me about how careless people used to be with archaeological finds, like what happened to the stele that had the Seikilos Epitaph

No thanks :[

Now playing

Jaguars are so beautiful and majestic. I had no idea that they lived as far north as the US, but now that I know, I’m sad to hear that they’re pretty much gone. Do you think that El Jefe has The Last Unicorn styled adventures?

This is the conversation I had with my boyfriend about this new, hawt trend:
Me: There’s a new fad diet where people only eat soup, to “cleanse themselves” and lose weight. How do you, a notorious soup hater, feel about that?
Him: Fuck that. Soup is not a meal

That gif has me fucking dying over here
and I’m not exactly sue why

THANK YOU. Times infinity.

Team Cat HQ has been abuzz all morning since the news broke, with half of the office broken up over wanting naptime, and the other half not giving a shit because there is no food involved.

I’m pretty sure that there was a South Park episode about this.

That’s super fucking adorable.

Of course they don’t make good cooks-they’re too lazy to even celebrate the coming of the new year! Look at her. Loafing around, when she SHOULD have been making me some chicken strips.

May she rest peacefully.

Emeraude has been around for a loooooong time- I believe it’s even a few years older than Shalimar! Vintage perfume ads really are works of art.

I love Emeraude.
I own a bottle of the stuff, and I manage to pull it off quite well. People like to brush it off as old fashioned, but that’s partly the reason I like it. I generally dislike modern scents; they’re either super sugary smelling, or too “heavy,” and they make my allergies go nuts because nobody knows

I love talking about names, and I love knowing what they mean. My own name is somewhat unusual in this corner of the world, and I despised it until I found out what it meant. My boyfriend and I have talked about names, in terms of what to call our future spawn; I have always been fond of the names Isaac and

I grew up with a mother who would chew our heads off if we dared to get our shoes on her pristine living room carpet. She was concerned with keeping it looking nice, whereas I like to keep my space a no-shoe zone because germs and mud and other grossness. I also hate cleaning, and the less time I have to spend

These three make magic together. I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS

When I say I’m “adulting,” it’s a mix of “wow, glad I got that out of the way” and self deprecation; but another part of it is this:
I grew up during the recession that hit the latter half of the 2000’s; my parents had just divorced, and even with the child support, my mom was the only breadwinner and shit would

I am a Latina millennial. I feel ashamed that at my age, I am not independent, though it is the one goal that I constantly strive for. All I have ever wanted was a decent job, and my own flat. My current job isn’t exactly helping me with that, though. I live with my family and try to be as helpful as possible, though

Judging from what I’ve heard about this guy, he just needs to stahp in general.

See, the problem with this is that it assumes that I am sharing. This is a preposterous notion, because I am food aggressive and NOBODY HAD BETTER TOUCH MY GODDAMNED PIZZA. *bares teeth*