T, M, Q, S and C/S are out (Volvo, BMW, Infiniti, Audi and Mercedes respectively). Can't use G because of Gulfstream.
T, M, Q, S and C/S are out (Volvo, BMW, Infiniti, Audi and Mercedes respectively). Can't use G because of Gulfstream.
It's sad they both had to go & it so easily could have been avoided, what a tragedy, damn it.
If you look closely at the photos of the red 2015 Ford Mustang that have been uncovered so far, you'll notice a lack…
Now you've seen the leaked 2015 Ford Mustang courtesy of an Autoweek leak, and now the mag has some of the details…
Actor in movie about asshat racers dies in a asshat racing accident
Racing or not, according to that video, they were totally catapulting that corner at a speed that is nowhere near to the legal speed limit.
Ford 2.3L Lima
A Pinto Wagon in GT6.
That lady is the hotness.
Thank you Japan for oshizushi, nigirizushi, manga, sukiyaki, anime, Akira Kurosawa, Majinga Z, katsu, shabu-shabu,…
Toyota Camry. Last thing you want to happen if you're a "Driver" is for your car to stand out and be easily tracked down via registration. Of course, since it's a movie, this won't happen.
My reaction to this question is....
That's clearly a better idea than my backyard helicopter plans...oars for props probably wouldn't work out.
I did some round and rounds in my engine swapped 240z once, it wouldnt have won anything of the year though. Maybe a Car/Rottenbananna look alike contest.
There are some rather ignorant statements in this article, as well as an annoying tone of superiority. However, this one really grated my nerves:
I like their version of the Shuttle Orbiter as well...
There's a lot of trash talking Russia's build quality. what about NASAs top ten of build quality fails. Challenger taking number one place probably.
I love model A's.