
Just needs a battery and the AC recharged.

Ever since updating to 10, my trackpad always reverts to reverse scrolling when my computer restarts. Anyone have any idea how to make it stop?

The Ford Focus Mustang Shelby RS-GTSVT Platnum Plus Edition

where it’s located makes it worth more than they are offering. you want to keep something secret, it’s going to cost you.

they may have still lived there had the government not run them off with the bullying and strong arm tactics that they’ve used over the past 60 years. it was an operational mine at one time and operations had to cease because of the US gov moving in next door and pulling all the crap that they did. pay them what they

exactly. my 98 has notches in the sides of the bed for the 2x4’s to sit in so that they won’t slide around. 4x8 sheets of plywood/drywall/whatever sit on there nicely, works well.

In one of the episodes he talked about having had the LC pretty extensively restored by someone, with the exception of the engine.

His other car is a Fiat 500 Abarth. He’s talked about having the engine in that Landcruiser swapped out with a newer/better diesel. He seems to be pretty fond of it. Recently he took a pretty long road trip in it, somewhere out to the desert to film an episode.

if its a real VAG then it’s probably going to cost you way more than 4K.

An air compressor is cheap. I got a nice, I think it’s 25 gallon, compressor from Sears a few years ago and it’s done everything I’ve needed it to. I want to say it was something like $250 when I got it. I highly recommend getting one.

The drivers side frame rail of the 86 Mustang I bought a few months ago. I had to replace the whole thing from the firewall up to the radiator. Good thing the car was cheap. Never had to deal with this kind of crap when I lived in CA.

When I was 20 I had an 85 mustang 5.0 with a speedo that looked like this one. On more than one occasion I put the needle against the odo reset button, once racing against my friends 95 SHO.

I knew he looked familiar.

my first thought as well

someone else in this thread recommended the movie first and then the book as almost a dvd extras/in depth kind of thing. After seeing it, I completely agree.

that is a really good way to look at it.

he wasn’t in the movie nearly enough though.

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Slo mo is fun to mess with no matter what phone you’ve got. Taken with an iPhone 6

I’d be curious about Parks & Rec as well. I know I was hooked by the end of the first episode. I tried watching The Office, but couldn’t get into it. I think I gave it a good shot since I made it into the second season before I bailed, but where did most other people really get hooked?