
Also that the court will reiterate the point Ms. Fischer continues to omit in her statements: she was granted admission through a stepped-program at one their system campuses. She just didn’t want to do that because she is a special fucking snowflake.

I am hopeful that the case will only further delineate what a mediocre student she was, and that the court will diagnose her with special snowflake-itis before upholding the lower courts’ rulings.

that’s a good point, i didnt think of it that way at all. i imagine my family (at least my mom and her ltr boyfriend) probs combo to main street millionaire status.

When my parents retired in comfort the day I went to a very pricey private college was when I realized we were much wealthier than I thought we were.

My family went through a period where both my parents couldn’t find jobs. We were living with an aunt. My dad had to do whatever small jobs he could. They still sent me to private school because there were not many good schools in our area. This went on for a few years until they found good jobs and we moved out of my

For us (3 brothers from a ridiculously privileged upbringing) our father taught us the value of hard work and work ethic from a very young age. However, I had no concept of the value of money, how to amass wealth, invest, save, etc. until I was in college (which was paid for without question (which, holy shit is that

Yes. Several commenters are stressing that a diverse environment is key. I appreciate you taking the time to write about your experience. I am learning a lot!

Mine always impressed on us how lucky we were to live as well as we do, and that, even though they both worked really hard, they got a lot of breaks along the way.

I have a similar story - only realized that my parents/family was actually pretty well off when I got to University.

It has always been clear to me that the money my parents had was not my money. So if I wanted to grow up and be “comfortable” like them and able to go on vacations and afford nice things I would need to get a good job. There has never been any assumption that I would get any money from them. (Though, I HAVE gotten

It took me a while too. My parents think part of it was because I was very low maintenance on the “I want that” scale. For example, a lot of my friends from elementary and middle school had personal computers years before I did, and generally had more than one game system. I noted it to my dad when I was in high

Are you me? I think you might be me. I hope this isn't weird, Me.

I had the opposite experience. I thought my family was rich because my mom and grandmother worked for our Tribal government. We had a phone! We had a TV! We had a newish truck!

Part of your story seems to be the reason why integrating public schools more would help our education system. I’ve gone to public and private schools (with the latter mostly rich students), and it really does make you think twice about the bs you hear when your friends and clasmates are representative of a broader

I think mostly my parents are relatively good people who were both raised in various levels of poverty/lower middle class (mom was LMC, dad was just straight up poor af) who didn’t forget the struggles of their younger realities just because they managed to escape their situations.

Potus deserves to Gloatus.

Raise your glass everybody and don’t forget to give President Obama a glass as well!

I like how he's doing whatever the fuck he wants these days.

This is the Obama I voted for.

POTUS is just owning this month.