
Now the Tyrells are gone,
Littlefinger is gone,
And the lion is gone,
And the red wolf is gone.


Like, a new score from Djawadi once they clash. With a horn and dubstep remix of the main theme, I hope.

Actually crab meat works like that in real world, too. So it should've worked in Westeros.

Are you kidding? Basically every travel that's been omitted could have lots of dialogue. Like, Davos and Tyrion in a boat going to King's Landing could have TONS of cool stuff to discuss, 'cause we haven't seen those two together alone before IIRC. Similarly, Gendry, Davos and Tyrion on the way back. Jon and Jorah on

But then… dragonglass arrows should be cool. Just give it to them at a distance.

Same here, but I think have even another read to that story. I thought Sansa was like "I have to reason with them till Jon comes back" and Arya was like "You're afraid of Jon dying, admit it. If he doesn't come back, what then?" Didn't sense Sansa thinking about the throne at all.

"Now… how do we get this huge crossbow out of this deepest dungeon?"

Ha, nice one.

Fusion Dance with Dragons?

Yeah, when they showed the skull of Balerion I was like "HOLY SHIT Qyburn is gonna ressurect him Zombie Mountain style and we'll have a skeleton dragon!!"

I imagined the slow raven walking down the King's Road to Winterfell and LOL'd.

Varga probably got out the same way Malvo escaped Lester's basement.

Well, we still have those 3-4 months lost in the time leap of Swango and Wrench doing SOMETHING. Could very well fit a season in there. ;-)

Did they though? I didn't get much references after that episode. Well, besides the Varga/Hall of the Mountain King theme.

Until it became all wibbly-wobbly.

"without understanding that the feud wasn’t a cut-and-dry case of extortion, it was just some cartoons poking other cartoons"

Agent Always the Double Agent
Agent Oh No Not Him Again

– Hold the door!
– What door?

Wow, me too! In the season opening with Mika seeing them bury a corpse and then kiss I was like "ooh, they've got balls opening on a gay kiss like that" and later I was like "wait, he's a she??"