Pinsk Floyd

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Wait. They made sausages of the dead bodies and then buried the sausages? Is this some kind of new culinary fad?

Help him? Not without a hazmat suit.

I hate to say it, but history is full of great powers that self-destructed through the stupidity/vanity/insanity of their leaders.

Ah, the famous Sermon on the #%@&! Mount.

"With great power comes great pussy-grabbing." — DT

Maybe N Korea could take some of those Confederate statues to protect themselves from being nuked by Trump.

I want a mashup with Pennywise hunting Richard Ayoade and Matt Berry.

It's gotten hard to tell if The Onion is retweeting Trump or vice versa.

Was he threatening violence…or was he suggesting a party for his donkey?

Far too mundane. I expect nothing less than Trump being gored to death by genetically engineered killer unicorns from North Korea, or being abducted by aliens to play in a Gladiator-style death match tournament featuring the most grotesque creatures this side of the spiral arm, or some such.

And they had "Born in the USA" as their on-hold music!

It's easy for them to rejoin civil society. All they have to do is reject their uncivil beliefs.

If there were more Republicans like your dad, the party (and the nation) would be in a lot better shape.

It's not that I didn't gel with the characters or find it boring. The problem I have with the Soderbergh version is that all that stuff about identity was just the surface of Lem's novel. The movie handles it reasonably well, but it has to throw in a lot of PK Dick style plot developments that aren't in the book to

Well, I can't argue with that.

Whenever I hear Southerners complain about the horrible things Sherman did, I am reminded of his letter to the city of Atlanta:

I like it well enough (great cast, beautifully filmed), but it's hard to see as a truly great film when you've seen Tarkovsky's version and even harder if you've read the original novel by Stanislaw Lem. They're all very different, so I'm not saying there's anything wrong with enjoying Soderbergh over the Tarkovsky

It's like that great corridor fight scene from Daredevil S1 only with less onscreen and somehow even better.

I'm with you. I get that rankings are inevitably subjective, but any list of Soderbergh that doesn't have The Limey and Out of Sight in the top four is going to get scorn from me. (That Vulture list puts The Limey at #9, behind Erin Brockovich and The Girlfriend Experience. Bad list. Bad.)