Pinsk Floyd

This was the last Woody Allen movie I genuinely loved — and it was Martin Landau's tragedy arc that made it great, not the neurotic Woody schtick in the comedy arc.

I think there are plenty of people who want to be moderate Republicans, but this election forced them to choose between being moderate and being Republican and they went with their tribe. (Which I guess is an argument that they weren't all that moderate deep down.)

I like Moneyball but it's not in the same league and Pratt has a small role. Didn't see ZDT.

Yes, but not nearly as much as by wearing a condom.

I don't really feel like getting into a contentious subject at the moment given all the other contentious subjects going on at the moment, but the short answer is that there is no significant medical benefit to circumcision in most cases.

Time to play a round of Poe or Not Poe?

Peccatori's schtick is to post blatantly stupid misrepresentations of evolution, and then poke sticks at the people who point out his errors. There's no point replying.

A Jefferson airship?

Buzz Lightyear has become Buzz Nothing-in-the-Universe-is-More-Than-6000-Lightyears-Away.

Gilbert Gottfried.

If the US seceded from Britain, why is there still a Britain?

Or in this case, snitches get sitcoms.

"I believe in micro-organisms but not macro-organisms."

Temple prostitutes — merging the world's oldest and second oldest professions.

Yeah, much longer than 2000 years.

I wouldn't necessarily say law school is dumb. I would say those profs were, though.

This is not quite right. A theory is an explanatory framework to explain our observations of the natural world.

"It's racist to fight white supremacists!"
"It's sexist to reduce gender inequity!"
"It's religious persecution to stop me from burning infidels!"

They didn't exactly do themselves in. So they're already smarter than us.

To be fair to Shkreli's attorney, he's meant to be judged by his peers and it's hard to find 12 oily sociopaths on a single jury roster.