Pinsk Floyd


When any of the other Chrises make a film as good as Hell or High Water I'll consider ranking them alongside Pine.

But if the movie lax zest, that's a pun, right?

It reminds me of the closing shot of It Follows.

They opened for Monty and the Pythons.

I think there are tons of writers, comedians, and actors trying just to make laughs. Unfortunately most of them are working on Big Bang Theory.

Spy may not have surrealism, but it does make a lot of meta-jokes at Jason Statham's expense. (To be fair, they are some of the funniest parts of the movie, and Statham seems to be enjoying sending himself up.)

Excreting Rubber sounds painful.

It's better than the fallout I've been worried about this week.

She can't be his mistress. If Trump was to lie about having extramarital sex, the Republican majority in Congress would have launched a massive public investigation and impeachment motion for sure.

Hope Hicks? Call me when he appoints Despair Dingus.

Sorry. Didn't mean to imply that. I was just trying to make a point (badly) that you can fairly condemn Bomber Harris without needing to bring up German bombing practices (which openly targeted civilians — especially the V1 and V2 bombs which served no strategic purpose other than to kill random Londoners).

Sure the Germans targeted civilians with their bombings. But nobody has been trying to put up statues to Göring.

My in-laws received an email from American friends after that superbowl apologising on behalf of all America for the shocking event at the half-time show. We live in Australia. It was…very odd.

My god. It's nine verses long!

Oh absolutely. I occasionally stumble across people with some monstrous beliefs, but until recently I never believed I'd see openly Nazi/KKK rallies in the US with a president giving tacit approval.

This is why the US desperately needs a preferential voting system like Australia, NZ, Ireland, and about another dozen countries. It's not foreign to the US. Several city elections use the system including Memphis and Portland. The reason it helps is that it means voting for a minority candidate is not a wasted vote.

I agree that it was unfortunate that the reporting on the debate degenerated into a battle of soundbites. Unfortunately that's a recurring theme of modern democracy. But I don't think we should blame the rise of Trump on this. Not even as an unforeseen consequence. I doubt that moment resonates in the memory of the

John Boyega will be perfect for it in about 5 years.

Well first of all, thank you for dialling back the rhetoric. But I still can't agree with you.