
I want to play for the smut and awesome graphics only but i will not pay that fee and i will certainly not have an eroge free experience. After all, most of us have had a healthy dose of eroge before breakfast these days......mosst of us..

Nintendo SUCK!

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.......breathe.....ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...hahaha x 49.

I love that we are now discussing "NIntendos problem". I love that the idiots who think the Wii is a games console more than it is a toymust now eat humble pie. Casual gamers play on ipods and purchase games for £1. Nintendo are now irrelavent.

Mike Bison and Balrog are both awesome names!

This site used to have realy really good comments. Now they are just awful! I think Kotaku has take Gamespots reads.....

on a plane you cant change position as there is not enough room ( legally livestock must be given more room than humans!!!) and cripples/invalids or those who sit at desk all day do change position or are helped to.

The three places you are most likely to see people that look like this guy:

All those kiddies who got Wii's when they should have gotten an Xbox and then got bullied for it, will never trust Nintendo again. Nintendo basically cemented itself as a toy company with the Wii. And kids only get things this pricey at birthdays and xmas. As an adult i can go out and get an Xbox every week if i

But i can get any PC game ever made on BIttorrent right now......this is stupid. The concept of paying for media is laughable on an epic scale. Unless its a high quality product ( like The Dark Knight BluRay boxset i got or MW2...something of value ). I just dont pay for stuff that their are no consequences of taking

seems someone finally understands that "skill based" is important! Screw WoWs button tapping crap.

Does anyone else find it hilarious that Valiant Chaos over on D3forums tried to sell a public Starcraft 2 hack...resulting in his hack being cracked and distributed for free?

Now playing

That guy has so much passion in his voice. reminds me of this Kill Bill trailer ( yes, this IS a real trailer ).

OMG, the DDT has 12 cores!

everyone one of them is worth a squirt.

Japanese devs are actually really really sucky! They were only good in the past because they made the most games. Now they dont. Now they suck.

Now playing

Lack of innovation! I have longed for a fighting game that accurately captures old Kung Fu movies. There is infinite source material and if executed correctly it would be the best ever!!! IMO! However, instead we get 5 new tekken games.....

Alex Jones is far more entertaining and actually makes sense 50% of the time. is the drunk driver?

yeah...thats shittiest part of walking dead...the parts without the zombies. And i dont care for cartoon books, i was talking about the TV show.