
You are not educated on this topic. Educate yourself and try harder next time rather than baselessly talking shit about other women.

Nonsense. Show me the studies that prove that a glass a week causes serious birth defects. Take your time, I’ll wait.

I would say it’s cool if you think YOUR behavior should change when YOU get pregnant. I’d say it’s less cool if you think MY behavior should change when I get pregnant.

There should be a sequel to The Craft where Robin Tunney is now a happily married mother and one day Fairuza Balk shows up, with her powers back, on a mission to destroy her life, so Tunney has to start a new coven with Neve Campbell and Rachel True to stop her.

Like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle or a V.C. Andrews

omg Harper- the star of what is probably my fav celeb baby pic ever:

It’s never not depressing to see the words instagram famous. That’s around half a step up from having your name and number scratched into a bathroom stall.

I mean Amy Adams!

I’ve never wanted to hate watch anything more than this now.

Now playing

Janet disciplining Tinashe, Ciara, and Jason Derulo over their tribute to her at BET awards is hilarious:

I was working at a call center at the time and I kid you not, all phone traffic stopped for the two minutes it took to read the verdict. Thousands of phone calls that normally would have come in and not a single ring. Those that were already on the phone just stopped talking to hear the verdict. It was surreal.

Yes I do, because I agree with both Cassie and you. I don’t disagree with anything you said.