
If you’re white and thinking of adopting a child of color, please (a) go jump in a volcano or (b) do about 20 years of anti-racist work on yourself first. Brown and black babies aren’t here to be your playthings, your excuse for your shitty opinions on race, and they don’t need your white savior complex.

Noooo........that is awful. Yet somehow perfectly predictable.

I would’ve lived for it! It’s wild that she didn’t get that because her recipes (from what she showcased) didn’t require any hard-to-find or specialty ingredients, so alot of their defenses are pretty lackluster.

Hawas food looks fucking delicious, and she’s so effortless on camera.

I forget what article mentioned this, but she DID NOT want to come back. Apparently she was only paid $400 per episode. Not entirely clear on these details: tried doing a pitch where she investigated/presented foods from all the countries of Africa and Bon Appetit tabled it.

Lots of us viewers kept commenting on the channel that we wanted more of Hawa Hassan. It fell on deaf ears.

She left BA a while ago, but she has been an independent contractor with them. She has requested that they use none of the footage they have of her in new videos, and I believe she has the power to enforce that as an independent contractor, whereas someone still employed by BA might not. However, BA would really be

it’s also important to remember that harry potter was never good

It’s disgusting to hear Biden thank Sanders for challenging the Powers That Be when Biden himself represents those same Powers That Be in so many ways. I was always in Elizabeth Warren’s camp but am more saddened than ever that I have to vote for this person who has done practically nothing to further social progress

This primary has sucked. There seemed to be a real chance to either have some combination of (1) the emergence of a real progressive candidate enthusiastically pursuing a real progressive platform, (2) the emergence of a youngish leader for the party moving forward or (3) the emergence of a candidate reflective of the

The rage some people have at Sanders is completely and utterly bizarre to me. We’d all be better off if more politicians held his views

Ah yes, what a monster. Socialised healthcare! Debt forgiveness! Truly the political positions of a self-interested Bloombergian tyrant.

He became a millionaire in 2016, and it’s because of his book. He should have told people not to get his book? Per Roll Call, he’s the 423rd richest person in Congress. So nobody in congress should be anti-capitalist? Who should run then? Only gutter punks or academics? He’s been preaching the same message his entire

If she at all cared about getting a nominee with progressive policies, the time to do it would have been the day before yesterday

yes, because trying to make sure every person in the country can see a doctor, get their prescriptions filled, and not go bankrupt is sociopathy.

Why is it bad for Joe Biden to have to answer policy questions that are important to the voters he is going to have to win over in order to be President?

Ah yes, the DSM IV clearly indicates a constant desire to help people they don't know as being both narcissistic and sociopathic. 

Indeed. The telltale sign of a “narcissistic sociopath” is *checks notes* stridently advocating for general welfare-enhancing policy change.

I am shocked to my core that Kamala Harris endorsed Joe Biden... Nahhh.

You’re missing the bigger picture here. Forget the ability to remake movies....