
The term “Black” in the U.K. was indeed used to include non-African descended POC by politicized POC of all backgrounds historically, so I didn’t read Pinto’s use of “political blackness” quoted above as trying to “transcend” race, but as an acknowledgement of that fact. And people of Asian descent were active in

Misogyny. That’s the missing part of the story.

Me too! I feel like they actively kept us slightly (obviously not dangerously) under-hydrated so that we wouldn’t have to take bathroom breaks outside the normally scheduled time.

I am so super excited for this! “Fleabag” was so so good and I am so happy it’s getting a second season I don’t even mind the wait. It’s really awesome that those of us in the US are getting more chances to see work produced for television in the UK. Maybe it’s just a grass is always greener thing but it seems to

The funny thing about reading this conversation is that I still walk away thinking that fraternities and sororities are crazy, even if I do believe you all when you say that this movie is both bad and inaccurate. I mean, people do realize that you can do community service work and make long lasting friendships

The film is typical white-savior narrative nonsense.

Is anyone else here seriously creeped out by The Root’s regular use of sensationalistic crime stories?

I have no sympathy for Bullock. I think this just demonstrates further that she in no way is qualified to raise a child of color... if one actually needed further proof after The Blindside.

Also, can we talk about how fucked up it is that a woman who married a white supremacist (and now, obviously, a Trump supporter) is in charge of raising two Black kids? I mean, The Blindside was enough to establish her as a creepy white liberal with a savior complex, but this is just too damn much.

Wow. I’m probably projecting here, but Rebecca Hall’s performance, even just from that trailer, along with the few details about Chubbuck’s life given here really makes it seem like she might’ve had Asperger’s. It presents much differently in women than the commonly held stereotypes regarding how it presents in men.

Peak white privilege right here. Seriously. Does anyone else remember that case of a Black mother in Atlanta who was convicted on several charges in the death of her son, who was killed by a drunk driver while they were trying to cross the street?…

Yes! It’s amazing to me how people can think of this in such cut-and-dry terms. As if somehow all the tidy paperwork erases the trauma that’s inevitably felt by an infant taken away from the person who carried them and birthed them. We are mammals, like any other. And the physical severance of an infant from its

Closed adoptions are so entirely unethical and unnecessary. I agree with you 100%. For some reason the warm and fuzzy Hallmark narrative of the (closed) adoption as a win-win situation completely convinced people on both the political right as well as the left. It’s like liberals put their fingers in their ears and

How and why is it privileging one over the other? Loving an adoptive parent is not mutually exclusive with wanting to know about one’s biological origins. These false dichotomies we set up (Do I love my adoptive family? vs. Am I curious about, or *gasp* also perhaps even CARE about/love my biological family?) are

Parents who relinquish their parental rights to their children are NOT automatically legally granted anonymity. If you actually take a look at the laws in the vast majority of states, the concealment of biological parents’ identities and of the relinquished child’s original birth certificate only happens AFTER a

Oooh oooh! Anyone interested in bees (and not really into reading dry science-y texts) should totally pick up “The Bees” by Laline Paul. It’s AWESOME. Basically a sort of fantasy/speculative fiction novel that takes place inside a bee hive, with a worker bee as the main character. I know the author did a lot of

And the most frustrating part about it all was that because I hadn’t learned how to take care of my own hair yet, and didn’t have access to anyone who could show me how to, it was such a horrid, lopsided, frizzy mess that he wasn’t all that far off the mark. Something which I was reminded of everyday by my classmates,

“Did you stick your finger in a light socket?! HARDY HAAR HAR.”

Also, people should really educate themselves about the horrifically unethical practices that inevitably occur whenever there are moves to “save the children” through placing them with international adoptive families during a massive crisis/disaster situation. And I can just imagine the further abuses and

Um. Please. No. The last thing we need is a rush of wannabe adoptive parents in the West swooping in to gobble up refugee kids. Children belong with their parents, and if that is not possible then with their extended family, and if that’s also not possible, then they need to be placed within caring homes of people