
You must not ever have even tried to write a song. If you had you'd know Hawkins can write a hook. Get off your high horse.

Bautista's multiple f ups the rest of that series makes the bat flip of note only to internet ragers.

Not helpful dude. Not helpful at all.

What a pussy.

Way to make her point.

Just saw it last night and I very much agree. I thought it was a slick, empty hot mess. How many planets were blown up again? What iconic character was killed off again? There was practically no grief for any of this portrayed. Every scene was just, "Next!" I thought it was total weak sauce and am struggling with

Oh please A.V. Club. I was directed here by f'ing Facebook. Y'all are sucking from one of the biggest corporate teets of them all.

Not into it. The melody is butchered and now it sounds like a kumbaya campfire song.

The last two seasons have sucked. The story arcs are convoluted and unsatisfying and it's become a big jerkoff fest for Timothy Olyphant. The show should get back to single episode stories where he actually does, ya know, US Marshall stuff.