Segun Akinwale

Why do they do that on american shows/movies?

Supergirl ll chime in as well

It feeds into legend of tomorrow

Can't gideon tell him that, seems that AI only see through time lines whenever the plot line needs a cop out

That set skill would've come i hamdy in so many episode especially when barry was depowered

Not really, as flaah is the 1st flash on their earth

New jay sucks!

Thank you

Intelligence dont equate genius in science if not every intelliget lawyer, accountant even intelligent barista could easily learn QP

You just gave a link to various nuclear incidents no where did it state america nuked spain, i know the nuclear incident he was referring to, but the gross exaggeration on the link he posted dear lord.

M not into the mary sue labelling i never used that word, Einstein is a genius dont mean hes an expert i all branches of physics let alone science, on tv someone is an expert on 1 then but for plot convenience they become an expert in everything the plots needs them to, caitlin snow, felicity Angela on bones etc

Cisco build things she doesn't, but numerous timea shea suggested or did things thats falls into engineering, just has she knew the radio phone will emit the waves are father suggested

I swear felicity hacked the trajectory of the asteriod, and cisco decided not to invent a tool to extract the minerals since he only invents stuff for the bad guys

Shes is a computer genius fair play but sometimes an engineering genius as well, not only she but every computer genius trope on american tv *shout out to walter O'brien

The stupidity of that article made me speechless, if you actually believed that kudos to you

Irrespective she wouldbt be chucked out like that, isnt shebthe majority share holder btw

The ignorance of american tv shows and movies boggles me, come on use google

I ponder why ppl keeps saying mAoS is crap, even though its more consistent and self aware than the dc TV shows,

This world conquering malaki doesbt bode well for this shows, zoom has conquered earth 2 yet hides in a cave where is difficult to get him(the earth 2 easter egg heroes decided to turn a blind eye), argus with all the powers and resources the show tell us they have no soldiers, black ops team, etc to recall to

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