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It specifically said " WERE considered to be Caucasian'
The key word being " were" past tense and ARE and a few paragtah you see ethnicity listed who are of darker skin, perhaps you should read the whole page

Semites dont mean white whites ( i presume the word anti sentimism mihht be the cause of the confusion)
Semites are ppl who are descendants of shem and their skin colour varies ethopians, native jews and arabs are semites.

Where did he get d money from? If he gave earth's 2 money then he spent a counterfeit (perhaps the owner if the clothe he wore (where did he get the from btw) left some cash in it).
Unless the ice cream seller was zoom or another speedster how was the transaction carried out at such a pace (, i know am

The level of inconsistency and terrible story plot in this episode is atrocious but i guess in this present day this factors dobt matter
Are we ok with flash stealing tgose ice creams?

There is a portal there that leads to therir base in nada parbat, they need fast trave like the LoA in arrow

So who are PonC? People of no colour
In 2 years time PoC will probably become a racist and perhaps 'monochrome" people or any other patronising and divisional terminology will come up, thats how social justice works right?
Call people white, black, colourless, coloured etc, continues the loop of discrimination

Thats is just ridiculous though, how many accidentally pictures had he appeared him except be does this 24/7 people will still recognise him

I hate when speedsters or auper fast character use comouters to do things faster than they can orocess, typing with super speed will only result in missing inputted characters

It also bothers me, shows consistently trying to priof women are strong and inadvertently put themselbes on dangers they shouldn't be im, its not strength it's stupidity.
P.s i guess the pregnancy is in its early stage… You know that stage where we are being told it isnt regarded as a a living thing so leihh doesn't

By that logic she should be weaker than kryptonian bigger than her i.e NONestical NONsense

Father's are not good for you, something i learnt from American tv,

Don't let sava see your comment, you ll be labelled a racist

People who think that way are, people who are quick to scream discrimination are often bigots themselves

His obsession with race makes me think he's a bigot in disguise, its like how a thieves are quick to call others theives so as to throw away scent

Is there any other human in the team?

She alter her DNA do as to improve diversity in her family, you see all her family members bar her husband are Caucasian and she was worried sava and the rest if the SJWs of America goons would brand her racist for not not having a enough ppl of colour in her family

Funny how SJW think they fight for equality rather than the reversal of inequality

This Social justice hooligans don't realise their logic is a racist and discriminatory as the people they claim to oppose

No its just passable to replace any trace in tv with blacks but not the reverse…… Ewuality this days

That made me cringe, i was like "are you guys blind he his taller than the cintainer ffs