Segun Akinwale

Batman isnt redundant in the justice league, no batman no justice league (main roster)

on the spot or from a spot? lol

it's 2 explicit to show on TV, lets just say the LoA teaches their assassins special tricks.
it wont cost them to design her suit to hold those batons, you know like nightwing/robin

it's likely yo cause a tsunami in your brain

which is true to an extent, but the best person should get the role irrespective of their ethnicity. Now how many Asians and other ethnicity do you see in movies/music directed by blacks? this sense of racial tokenism is patronising, its like anytime a white man is eating he must invite a black person to the table.

so what does captain cold and heatwave's gun do? anyone?……..
as nothing got burnt or frozen

All 3 look out of place, Egyptian were neither white, black nor mixed race (kendra)
Their are lots of middleeast northeast africans in america who can play Egyptians /ppl from that region

People just like to complain, no 1 was really invested in waller or suicide squad in arrow, they were peripherals to say the least.
Now DC is pointlessly killing them people are acting like they actually mattered

I call bullshit if among cisco, caitlyn, dr wells, ray and rah al ghul cant come up with a solution or atleast a temp solution for felicity, after all the magics they have all performed in flarrowverse

arabs dont fit into the diversifying spectrum,only black, women and gays count sorry

how do they sleep? i'll rather be in Guantanamo than any of this cells

where does jay get resources to live on his own, where did he get resources to find about zolomon, when even caitlyn couldnt

It should have been a ussr passport, just as you have british passport for home nations and othe nations still under the Uk

No offence but please google china, i know people are ignorant and feel the world is about blacksand whites, america is more multicultural but not more diverse than china, the number of languages, culture, ethnicity religion etc in china
"Just because its a commonly use term" the same people who embrace that term

Did this so called people of Colour go for auditions and they were turned down because of their colour,or they gave the job to the best person(s) who came for the audition? The former is discrimination the latter isnt.
Seems people want roles to be reserved for "people of Colour", thats patronising and defies

You notice how ppl who talk anout dibersity are only interested in blacks and women chinese amd others arent relevant to their diversity cause, doesmt that make them bigots still?

But the various criminals they have held hostage, have their powers from varying sources

Yet he studied him, and has an AI thats knows alot about him

A secrt we the multiverse masters have been guarding carefully now i have to erase you from the time stream, to keep E-69 a secret.

The fact she called barry and not the police, or joe barry should have figured out she was bluffing, and for someone as fast as barry he would have figured there was no gunman before he got to the car/coach on which patty was that scene was just forced like the rest of the patty discovery hes flash in this episode