
Probably not an original sentiment, but I feel like we're getting to Man In The High Castle* territory with this administration, in that the orange one's intentionally surrounded himself with more dangerous/extremist elements, making it harder to root for his removal.

Aw, now it's getting too complicated.

Is that meant in awe or scorn?

I recognized every single reference used in that mashup, has there been nothing noteworthy for the past decade and a half?

Based on the past 2 years, why wouldn't they like it? Dismantling Obama's legacy is the only coherent policy they've ever offered, and boy does it ever work with the base.

Counterpoint: humans are huge, destructive monsters totally ill-suited to their environment.

Any new TNP record is a buy whatever the reviews, but still glad to see the majority do not agree with Adams' grade.
Also, if a new TNP album doesn't get its own dedicated review page here of all places, then what's even the point.

Only thing I'm hoping for with this match is for Seth to get a new finisher when the feud ends.

Any attempt to undermine Chicago's bizarrely pushy attitude regarding dumb foods gets an upvote from me.

I don't normally check out such tabloid-looking fare but just finished entire thing in one sitting. Was not disappointed.

It's a good thing there are dozens of other options available for when the uBlock people decide they also want money.

Agreed, not being picked at all is better than where the likes of ADR and Cesaro ended up in the draft.

It'll be a flashback.

Wow, someone actually remembers that character.