
Can we just legalize weed already so that cops can no longer use the faint whiff of it as justification for murder (Philando Castile) and sexual assault?

She’s Black. They “smell weed” on us all the time, regardless of if we smoke or not.

Do you know what’s really frustrating? All they have to do is say they smell marijuana.

Seriously, a crying selfie?

There’s something about that picture (the smeared eye makeup? the thumbs up? the need to post it to begin with?) that rubs me the wrong way.

Wrong. This was a problem long before internet porn existed.

Teenagers/young adults throughout history have craved attention and this is no different, they just have the ability to reach a much larger audience these days.

He probably cheated, but why would they want to have this fight in public? I’m baffled by the youths and their need to post their relationship drama on social media.

Sexual assault is way more common among middle schoolers than people believe. And that’s part of the problem.

How do Nazi’s still exist in 2017?

I imagine because they notoriously stiff people and probably cannot get decent tailors to work with them. Also they do not truly value anything. When you appreciate the cost and craftsmanship of a garment you want to care for it and have it tailored to present yourself and the piece in the best way. All they see is

Um, she bought that jaw.

I have an irrational anger at Donald Trump for the bottom half of all his children’s faces. I look at Marla Maples and then Tiffany and it just pisses me off that he gave her that jaw. I have rational anger at Trump for a good many other things, but his kids’ jaws infuriates me for some reason.

Its like Dubya *almost* gets why people are upset.

Good natural hair is not something you can buy, either you are lucky in the gene lottery or not. Ivanka is her father’s daughter, so terrible hair run heavily in their gene pool.

Why does this family have such an issue with tailors?

Wearing white for suffragettes!

Ok why the fuck does Ivanka’s hair always look like shit? Rich people with bad hair ILL NEVER GET IT


I actually think Tiffany looks much better than Ivanka in a simple pure white peacoat and necklace. Her hair looks a little cleaner too.