
You: I’m really not trying to be rude, but...

100%. If you didn’t HAVE to get an extremely specific outcome from using the Stasis abilities, it would be totally fine. If they want to encourage the use of Stasis abilities, that’s great, but it needs to be like, kill enemies afflicted by Stasis, in any way. Even increase the number, but don’t make it so hard to

In the shotgun meta, which has been like since the release of D2, it’s been SUPER easy to counter a Titan shoulder strike, especially with the additional mobility abilities that Warlocks/Hunters have. Titan coming at you? Just back up and shoot them in the face with a shotgun. People that have trouble countering a

The $5/can price is retail for the Biden beer. You would easily pay twice that for a 16oz craft beer in Vegas.

OP said that $5 for a can of beer is “Vegas club level” prices. I said they weren’t. That’s about where we are with this. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. I was pointing out that OP was being hyperbolic, which OP was.

I’m thinking specifically about the quest given by the Exo Stranger in which you need to get “powered melee kills” - so launching people into walls doesn’t count and, of course, better mobility because of it is irrelevant. Hoping that my teammates put a few shots into the enemy, but leaving them with enough health for

Every surface in that house was designed so you could snort lines of coke off of it.

As a Titan main, I think ya’ll should be happy that your melee ability is viable in any game mode, period. The Shiver Strike or whatever it’s called is atrocious. Weak as hell (in PvP it doesn’t even take off half their shield let alone their health), the tracking on it is basically non-existent (the number of times

I’m gonna venture a guess and say that OP up there drives around well-paved streets in a Ford F-350 with “Rush was Right” bumper stickers

Then what the fuck are you even doing here?

But always Roger Stone.

Please read OP’s top comment. OP said that $2o for a 4-pack of beer is “Vegas club level prices”. Not me. I’m disputing that and, even though you may not realize it, you’re actually reinforcing my argument.

I think it’s crazy that you expect full games to cost $40.

Ok, I’m glad that we established that $5 for a beer isn’t “Vegas club level” prices.

Nothing says “secure in my chosen gender role” like alarmingly insecure in your chosen gender role. Great work, right-wing outrage machine. And if Candace Owens thinks Ben Shapiro is “manly”...uh...hang on...there’s a three children in a sweater vest joke around here, somwhere.

It must have been a looooooong time since you were at a Vegas club. If you think $5 for a 16oz. beer is exorbitant, I’d hate for you to actually see the bill at a Vegas club. Even like 8 years ago, you could easily spend $20 on a single drink.

I always knew this, anecdotally. The best hangover cure is, as awful as it sounds, a workout. Sweat a little, breathe harder, work up a thirst (for water) and tire yourself out so you can take a little nap. Then house a cheeseburger and fries with a Sprite (gotta get the sugar with no caffeine) and you’ll be right as

You do you, but you wouldn’t catch me in the same zip code as this food.

I can hang with capers and other briny foods, but I generally can’t deal with anchovies. And the visual for this article makes it look like little coiled up dog turds on crackers.

This is actually insane. That’s all I got, this...foodstuff fills me with existential dread.