
I transfer my hot tea into a new mug, rinse out the old one with cold water and pour it back. Less time and less mess than saucering. Here I am thinking I'm being original! (and weird) ..

In OSX, pressing Command+Tab goes through applications, as opposed to windows (like in Windows). I prefer Windows way. Thankfully, third party preference pane Witch takes care of this. Still, some windows that aren't "real" (like Skitch) get skipped over (unless you keep it in the dock, which is annoying).

I use Anxiety to update my ToDo list, and that sits in the menu bar. Then, I use GeekTools, some random code I copy and pasted, and a helping hand from the iCalBuddy tool to display the to-do list on my desktop. It's working great. The todo list is all up in my face so I always see it.

I've been using HotSpot Shield (unfortunately ad-supported) when I'm feeling paranoid and the SSL Enforcer extensions on my browsers. I've made sure email and other sites I use I access through SSL. If I had another computer I'd try this.

Loving the new layout. Gallery view actually works for me now! I used to just skip these posts. I always try to use up my change. Breaking a $20 for a cup of coffee just hurts for some reason.

Good to know. I believe the natural Windex and other similar green glass cleaners have alcohol in it. I add essential oils to vinegar and water but I think I'll try adding alcohol next time so that I don't have too much of an intense vinegar smell. Even with the cedar, bergamot and lavender essential oils, the smell

Thanks for the video! I've taught myself how to use photoshop so I don't know the ins and outs so it's very useful to see videos like this where various tips and tricks are being featured. You're very good at explaining things. Your pace is good—not too slow like many other tutorials, not too fast—and I appreciate how

I love the inspect element thing. I often use it for checking the size of DIVs that i don't set a size too so i can align them. I didn't know you could edit that part. Wow!

It's just Option and drag, not command-option.

Best way to avoid debit and credit card fraud is to hardly use them. Use cash. You can keep track of your spending. Points programs are great on credit cards though.

Single and lovin' it! ;o)

way weird.. disclaimer: despite the anti-mac comments, not all mac users are like this!!

Great article, thanks. Good to know. I'm still all for the App Store but I can see how it could negatively affect the app-buying experience.

Google is still the best tool out there for finding what I want. Sometimes when searching Google Images for album and movie art, there isn't the perfect high res copy available on the first page (or ever), but other than that, I always find exactly what I need. So many life problems have been solved by Google. Is it

I like it because it's a catalogue of apps. It's nice to see what's out there. There's so much people can do with their Mac that many people don't use it to its full abilities. The Mac App store makes software interesting for everyday users (not just nerds), which not only can make people more productive, but can also

I keep my music on my computer and my movies and backups on external harddrives. I really like music and sometimes my library is too overwhelming to go through what I need and don't need so I don't end up deleting stuff even though I should. I'm operating well with 250 GB on my laptop but I need the extra space for

I don't make new years resolutions and try to live everyday the best I can. I try to be responsible but treat myself well without going overboard. Doing random things that make me happy while at the same time saving money and exercising makes everyday fun.

For those in favour of Smultron, once the developer abandoned it, the project was picked up again and is now under the name of Fraise, downloadable for free off their site. Save your $4.99+tax and get the exact same thing for free.

Boxee box! It's great!