
Saturated fat and cholesterol are essential for a growing mind. Not only is saturated fat an excellent energy source, it's also plays a crucial structural role in the body. The vitamins the body makes are made from cholesterol.

I wasn't aware of them specifically, wish I had been since I just picked out a dell for my dad :(

Fair enough. But mainly what I was referring to was the non standard cases OEMs love.

It is if you plan on upgrading. What if you want 4 or more RAM slots? Good luck trying to glean that information from the average OEM web page. What if you want to make sure your power supply will be able to run two video cards? What if you want to drop in a couple extra hard drives? Most of the time they won't even

Eat some butter.

Small pump

Obviously not on tests, but the point is if you aren't allowed to use either graphing calculators or other electronics on tests, why get a graphing calculator instead of the iPod?

Why? I'd much rather run Ubuntu than Android. I already run in on my PCs. Plus, Unity was *specifically* designed to be good for both touch and traditional (hence 'unity').

I bought four Sandisk Extreme 30mb/s 8gb cards, one of them failed within a month.

Open source != free software.

Plus, this bike is all carbon and doesn't even have an aero seatpost.

Yeah, the downward bullhorn always seems suspect. I prefer road/ergo drops. I hold where the hoods would be, with my index finger curled around the top of the bar. You can even get stubs to attach to road bars, so you can hold the hoods just like a road bike.

It was awesome, my butt was sore, but even though I carried a backpack (lock, street clothes, food, DSLR) I wasn't too tired (there were three food and drink spots). It was more of a fun ride with an easy going pace. My knees were pretty sore for a few days (48:15 ratio), I'm really glad I rode with a brake or my

Track bikes are really fun. I have over 3000 miles on mine, I prefer them to road bikes to be honest. I chose my track bike over my road bike for a century I did a couple weeks back.

1 bottle gets me about 10 miles, depending on intensity and temperature.

You can buy color corrected florescent bulbs from photography shops.

Not sure, I only run to supplement cycling. Cycling is way more fun :)

IMO anything over 10 miles a week is too much unless you're running competitively.

3 miles at 10 minute pace is a lot different than a marathon at 10 minute pace.

11. Eat more saturated fat