
It's not censorship, Apple is creating their 'Apple Dictionary of Newspeak'. It is required reading on all iPads.

Since the 70s, Americans have drastically reduced fat intake, and drastically increased carbohydrate. This is shown clearly in the NHANES data. We've also switched, for the most part, from butter and lard, to seed oils and margarine, due to the saturated fat scare.

You have to use a hacked OS x86 build, which defeats the purpose of virtualization since you can run that on bare metal. I believe you can only officially virtualize OS X server.

Thanks for the laugh, but you're wrong.

Look in any biochem or endocrinology textbook, fat tissue is regulated by one thing primarily: insulin. Insulin stimulates fat cells to absorb energy, and prevents it from being released.

I'm also looking at the new vizio laptops, they're supposed to be coming out in the same time frame. IMO they look even nicer than MBAs do, even if they obviously resemble them.

Yep, low carbohydrate diets are always slandered as the new 'fad' diet. They are now, they were in the 90s and 70s when Atkins' books came out, and in the 1870s when Willam Banting wrote 'A Letter on Corpulence'.

I've got a 15" dell laptop, and laptop + camera + bike lock + saddle bag is too much, even before my books. And I hate panniers. You also can't put them on a track bike.

Fatty meats and eggs are my sustenance :)

VLC on iOS

If you want to use free software on a mobile platform, don't use a platform which clearly violates it. Thank you.

Perhaps people should instead learn UNIX, which is a lot more practical to most people.

My experience has been this:

Yep. And I think about 3 people have ever successfully lost weight by counting calories.

Fat doesn't make you fat, because insulin does.

Health choice? What's so bad about meat?

Instead of cream, use unsalted butter. That way you get the saturated fats your brain needs.

What, are you saying I can't make blanket statements judging Mac users???????

And now, everyone who bought the DVD has to waste their time. Meanwhile, the pirates will have downloaded the video file. Great job!

Apparently Mac users have never heard of emacs. Or vi. I suppose they deserve to pay.