Chester the Dog

at first i thought you put up ‘ re-civilize ad’ as some sort of satire until i finished reading the part saying that it was REAL ad campaign! WTF who were the people on approval meeting?

Does it even do anything? Mayim Bialik makes a great case for attachment parenting but are the benefits of attachemet that distinct from other styles of parenting? I don’t think there are styles of parenting becuase it makes it sound like monolithic boxes we have to fit into

great point! my own mom is just getting back to being an individual becuase all her kids are older than 13 so she has taken on new hobbies and activities like yoga. I want children but I am conflicted with the reality that I won’t get to do anything I want anymore and that’s scary.

We all got daddy issues

was LiLo posing for a photoshoot or did she call paparazzi on herself? I have a feeling that it is the latter but I didn’t get a confirmation from the article

Churchill was right

and somehow afford to live in the same place as Rupaul?

My Asian History Professor told our class that though the whitewashing controversy regarding THE WALL starring Matt Damon is terrible, she said that Asian audiences love Matt Damon and loved this film. I don’t know if that is true or not btw

look on the bright side, you have a car and she spent like 3 hours doing a stupid and mean prank she probably carries with a great deal of regret and guilt. Well hopefully this person feels this way, if she doesn’t than she is probably much darker than an asshole

I picture ‘Grandmere’ being more Anna’s style

is this my cousin emily? if it is, thank you for the solid five minutes of giggles you provided my sister and i when you insisted on turning this ‘film’ on

this gif gets ALL the stars!

my mom is very good at not befriending the goody two shoes mothers. we have a neighbour who feeds her kids a gluten free diet and these bean brownies. they only have one tv and all internet has that parental protection on it. this woman is very nice but seems as bland as drywall.

All Jezebel readers who were shitting on DC Urban Moms, I was curious and went onto thier website. In a forum titled “ Other Parents are the worst kind of hell.” someone screenshot the convo happening in the comments and they are now shitting on Jezebel. One person commented “ I don’t understand.”

how come it is so easy for my mom? It depends on the person. I think I have a harder time making friends because I am just very socially awkward plus I just put up walls. On the contrary, my mother makes friends very easily even if there are slight differences like she is friends with a mom who has young babies while

Please Matriarchy tell my mother why your children’s friendships should not be based on the friendships of the mother. My friends growing up were all the kids of friends of my mother, which completely fucked me over when she ended a friendship with a mom or I realized that the friendship with that kid was an illusion

Just be like me and never try hard to be liked becuase it attracts assholes

Does anyone full body cringe when you hear the words “ Property Brothers”?

China you will never use and regret as well. My mother’s wedding china is very tacky, it has this nineties design on it I just shake my head at every time I see it. She told me it was either this or a white and in retrospect she wonders why she did not choose white.

The affluent suburbs keep in mind. My family lived in the immigrant middle class suburbs that gabr my nonna and nonno more street smarts than him